Everyday Me

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My alarm beeps, telling me to get up and ready for my first day at Uni. I drag myself out of bed and snag some clothes from my drawers. I quickly change and finish getting ready. I walk out and find Anna with a cup of coffee in her hands, as awake as ever. I shake my head at how someone could be so awake so early. I walk out of the door and head to my first class. I generally avoid other people, seeing as I'm not a very social person. I slip into a seat and tune into the lesson, taking notes as needed.

After several hours of different classes, I finally make it to the end of the first day. I drag my bag behind me back into the dorm. I flop onto the couch. Anna doesn't get finished with classes for another hour. My stomach rumbles, reminding me that I haven't eaten since I arrived. I pop to my feet and snatch my purse before walking out of the doors and away from the uni.

I begin to head in a random direction, making sure I remember which way I go. I soon arrive at a McDonald's and order a salad. I eat about a quarter of it and pack up the rest for later. I step out of the fast food joint and breathe in the natural air. Another building catches my eye and I walk up to take a closer look. Jim's Gym is sprawled out in bold letters across the front. I notice the Open sign and push open the door.

I find myself in a slightly rundown gym, much like the one in New York. An older man sees me and smiles.

"May I help you today?" He asks.

"Uh, sure! How much is a membership?" I ask. He names a fair price and I willingly pay for it, glad for an actual training faculty. I immediately mark the exact location in my phone and plan to return as soon as possible. I head back out and back to the uni. As I walk in, I get pounced on by Anna.

"Hey! How was your first day?" She squeals.

"Great. What about you?" I ask, trying to be social.

"Spectacular! The hot guy in room 212 stared at me the entire class..." She drones on about this guy. I nod, pretending to be listening. Thankfully, my phone rings and gives me an excuse to end the conversation. I hit answer quickly.

"Hello love!" Dad's voice rings out.

"Hi dad! How's recording coming?" I ask.

"Great! How was your first day?"

"Jolly good. It's quite the experience. Oh! I found a gym today!" I say happily.

"Great! Be careful, though, okay? Don't be wandering by yourself too much." He sighs. "I must go now. I love you. Stay safe! Bye!"

"Bye dad!" I say, pressing end. I glance at the clock and yawn. It's been a tiring day. I flick on the Telly and end up dozing off to Doctor Who.

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