-39- Yesterday's Hesitance

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Welcome to ze thirty-ninth chapter!
Finally a chapter that actually turned to be the size I expected it to be! It's a rarity these days...
Anyway, we're continuing where we left off last time! Enjoy!!
(Please notify me of any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct them ASAP)


Natsuki's POV

"Psst- Katsu!" I heard my boyfriend whisper next to me. The Katsu in question noticed too, looking back at Dan. "Wanna trade? My green beans for your carrots."

The younger one's eyes sparked at the opportunity, nodding his head hastily. "I'm down," he forgot to whisper, blatantly holding his plate before him.

"Woah, woah, woah!" Jonathan broke it up, having returned from the kitchen with roasted chicken in hand. "What's all this about? Not eating all your vegetables? How immature of both of you..." he spoke with subtle disapproval.

I watched all the drama unfold, kicking with my feet out of amusement. Katsuma's head drooped a little, defeated from being caught in the act. It was not that deep, of course, but it was still funny to see him act so in character nonetheless.

"Now hold on, Jon," Dan raised his eyebrow at the man. "Technically, we're both still eating the same amount of vegetables, it's just the type of vegetable that has changed."

Jonathan sighed, and I nearly caught myself doing the same. Dan's wittiness really never came to an end.

"Damn it! You're right!" the man lost, and sat down at the table along with the rest of us.

The chicken which was freshly placed on the table looked absolutely scrumptious. Its golden gleam, rich and savory smell, and delightfully tempting texture looked simply frightening to me.

"Everyone, plates!"

Following along with Dan and Katsuma, who obediently held their plates closer to the food, I patiently anticipated my portion of chicken.

After we had all received our meals, dinner commenced and I objectively watched as conversations unfolded. Unsurprisingly, it was mostly Dan and Jonathan speaking, with Katsuma chiming in occasionally, usually only when he was directly involved in the topic. I, myself, was quite taken aback by just how much these three felt like a proper family, as far as I could tell. They had only lived with each other for so long, yet they got along so easily. It actually made it quite difficult for me to add anything to the conversation.

And so, I listened. Intrigued in pretty much every topic they spoke of, I kept listening. The urge to speak did not even arise. I kept listening, until we had all nearly finished our meals. After I had swallowed my last bite, I was astonished by just how satisfied I was.

"That was such a great meal!" I blurted. It was the first thing I said during the entire dinner, but I could not help it.

Jonathan gave me a bright smile, even his slightly aged eyes formed alongside it. "I'm very glad to hear it! It's a recipe I found recently, and I've been adjusting it ever since."

"Really?" For some reason, the thought of Jonathan being someone who was avidly interested in cooking surprised me. "It felt like this meal could've perfectly been served during Christmas time or New Years, and I would've easily been satisfied," I truthfully told the man.

His smile remained ever so strong. "Oh, wow..." he laughed. "That's... Thank you, Natsuki. I really appreciate you saying that."

"N-no problem."

I felt a bit embarrassed by it afterwards, despite me simply telling the truth. Though, it did not help that we were the only ones speaking; Dan and Katsuma were simply listening in.

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