-11- Remaining Days

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Welcome to ze eleventh chapter!
Have fun reading!
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Dan's POV

Sayori and I were once again walking home in silence, while I was deep in thought about the upcoming weekend.
Natsuki told me that we are going to bake this weekend, but when I think about it she didn't tell me where we are going to bake and she didn't mention a specific time. Actually, I don't even have a way to contact Natsuki about it outside of the literature club. Maybe I could ask Sayori for Natsuki's phone number? But what if Natsuki's gonna beat me up for intruding her privacy, or what if she calls me a pervert again?
Ah who cares? I just have to set my pride to the side for once.

"Sayori?" Sayori turned around to look at me, "Yeah Dan, what is it?" "Is there any chance of you giving me Natsuki's phone number?" "Hmmm...yeah, I think that chance exists. Why do you need her number if I may ask?" "Oh Natsuki was being a bit vague when telling me how, when and where we are going to bake the cupcakes for the upcoming festival, so it would be nice to discuss those things via easier communication." "Ah sure! If you could give me your phone..." She put out her hand, "Of course." I grabbed my phone and gave it to her so she could give me Natsuki's number. "Now let's hope we won't both be killed before the whole festival has even started." I told her as we both started to laugh. "Yeah that would be a real shame, the festival's usually a lot of fun!", Sayori told me as she gave my phone back. "There, good luck with surviving!" "Yeah, you too!" And with that we both parted ways to our houses.


With my phone in my right hand and a glass of water in my left, I walked up the stairs in the direction of my room.
Now that I actually have Natsuki's number, I'm not really sure if I am mentally prepared to send her a message.
After finally gone through all questions in life, I decided that I should just go for it.

Daniel: 'Sup.

Well sh*t, it has been 10 minutes now and Natsuki still hasn't replied. Was I perhaps too subtle?
I mean, who's gonna reply to random stranger saying "'Sup"? I certainly wouldn't.
But right then, I heard a message coming in.

Natsuki: 'Sup to you too, Stranger.

I couldn't help but laugh at seeing her calling a stranger "Stranger" with a capital 'S'.

Daniel: If my parents would've actually called me "Stranger", I would have been long gone from depression.

Natsuki: Hahaha yeah same, so who are you and why do you have my number?

Daniel: Geez calm down tiger, I come in peace. It's just good ol' Daniel. Oh and I got your number from Sayori.

Natsuki: Ughh, always Sayori. But you didn't answer my question, why do you have my number?

Daniel: Oh that's just because you forgot to tell me some details about the upcoming weekend. Like where do we meet and what time.

Natsuki: Ya know, you were the one who forgot to ask those details, don't just blame everything on me.

Daniel: Hey! I couldn't ask those things 'cuz you ran out of the classroom before I could even move a muscle.

Natsuki: Ah forget it, you are so hopeless sometimes. Alright, what about Sunday 1PM at your house?

Daniel: Sounds like a plan, but one problem...I don't think I have all the needed equipment for baking all those cupcakes.

Natsuki: Let me spell it for ya: H O P E L E S S. I already knew you wouldn't have everything and that's why I am bringing all that is needed.

Daniel: Ah sure.

Natsuki: Well, I have to go now. Bye Idiot!

Daniel: Ok Bye!

That's weird, Natsuki already knew that I wouldn't have all the ingredients and equipment but she still wants to bake at my place. Isn't it wasted energy and effort to bring everything all the way here?


And hereby the chapter ends, but yet another chapter begins...
I hope you liked this chapter.
This is really random but here's a picture of Ken Kaneki that my little sister drew for me.
I don't know how she did it, but she did it xD.

I don't know how she did it, but she did it xD

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Anyway, thanks for reading!

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