-32- That would be nice

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Welcome to ze thirty-second chapter!
Finally, after about 4 months, I'm here to provide you with a new chapter.
This chapter's art, which is located above, is provided by my friend Koralainr who goes by the name of @koraloralainr on Instagram, please go check my boy out~
Now then, I hope you all enjoy reading this chapter!
(Please notify me on any spelling/grammar mistakes, so I can correct them ASAP)


Natsuki's POV

It was already 5 pm by the time we were done with the new clubroom. Well, we weren't actually done with it, but we felt accomplished enough to call it a day. We moved all of the old important stuff to the new room and cleaned a lot of the worn out building. The only bummer about the new clubroom was that there was no space to safely put my manga, so... guess who have to carry the manga all the way home? Yeah, it's us.

Dan and I were making our way home on this cold evening, while carrying my idiotically large manga collection. "Right Suki, I know you really want to prove yourself, but just give me the box and you can handle this bag."

I was carrying the bigger portion of the collection, not just because I wanted to look stronger than Dan, but I really wanted my focus gone from everything that happened today. Carrying a way too heavy box seemed like a good distraction to me. "I'm good with this box, th-thanks..."

The immense doubt shone off of Dan's face.

"You're lying, dummy."

"Y-you just call me dummy?" He really had the audacity to call me a dummy.

"Yes, because you are. Now give me the box."

Instead of following his order, I just faced the other direction, completely rejecting him. Sometimes I just can't stand him, he's too much! "I'm keeping this box!"

"No. You're giving it to me, or else I'll bite you." He warned sternly.

"I don't care if you bite me."

"You sure... about that?" He basically breathed in my ear as he suddenly got close to me.

"Alright. Here you go." Before I even knew it myself, I handed the box to him and took the bag. After that I quickly moved 5 meters ahead of him. This isn't good, I'm actually starting to go crazy...

"Hey Suki, wait for me, damn it!" As if he were struggling, I heard him running to catch up with me.


Finally. I'm finally home! I hate myself so much for feeling this way, but I can't stand Dan one bit at the moment. I honestly need to settle all these crazy thoughts floating through my head. Why am I so out of character today...

"Do you need me to help lift these up to your room?" Dan asked me politely.

"No, I'll be fine."

He looked at me full of disbelief yet again. "I'm not joking Dan, I'll be fine on my own. If not, I'll just ask my dad to help me. You should go home."

Dan put his hands up, as if he were officially defeated. "Alright, I'll go home then." He gave me a quick kiss on my cheek before leaving. "Love ya, see you tomorrow!" With that said, he finally left.

Hold You Forever - DDLC {Natsuki x MC}Where stories live. Discover now