-20- Bickering

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Welcome to ze twentieth chapter!
At the beginning of this week, I realized how long it actually was since I last wrote a chapter.
I think that's all I need to say about that :p
I hope you all have a good time reading!
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Natsuki's POV

"Aaaaand... there goes our easy promotion." Dan said while still waving the girls off.
"Natsuki! Why did you do that?!" Sayori asked me with a hint of disbelief in her voice, "Didn't you want people to eat your cupcakes?" Crap, she's right. I did say that earlier. "Well, y-yeah... B-b-but both of those girls got a cupcake, didn't they? So i-it's uhh..." I tried to explain with a slight tone of embarrassment.

"Suki, can you really not see the bigger picture here or are you just too embarrassed to tell us the truth?" It was Dan who spoke this time. "W-well..." But before I could even try to answer him, he suddenly grabbed both of my shoulders. "Oh, Natsuki, have my prodigious charms worked on you as well?" Even from that stupid comment of his, I could tell that the heat was rising up to my face.

"What the hell are you-" Dan cut me off by pressing his index finger on my lips. "Shhhh... Only now do I realize how hard it must be for you, Suki." He grasped a bit of his shirt in the area around his heart with his other hand. This guy has officially lost it. I grabbed his left hand, which he used to 'shush' me, and pushed it away while still holding it within mine. I looked at him worryingly. "Are you sure you're alright, Daniel? You're actually making me worried." "Maybe he's sick again?" Sayori suggested, also worried about her best friend's mental state. "Good point, he always does the weirdest things when he's sick." So I placed one hand on Dan's forehead to check if there could be something wrong with his temperature, but it didn't feel odd in any way. "Guys, I'm telling you, I'm not sick. I'm perfectly-".


Are you kidding me? Did Sayori take a picture again? I pulled my hand away from Dan's forehead and looked at Sayori, but surprisingly enough she wasn't the one who took the picture. So if it wasn't Sayori, Dan or me who could have taken the picture, that must mean... And as if we all thought the same thing at once, the three of us simultaneously turned our heads towards the front of our cupcake stand.

Dan's POV

Not gonna lie, I was kind of enjoying all the attention I got from Natsuki until someone decided to take the one-hundredth photo of us. After finding out it wasn't Sayori who took the picture this time, we all looked in the direction of the front of the cupcake stand. Huh? Is that...?

"Shota? Is that you?" "No Dan, I'm a lion. Of course it's me, you idiot." I chuckled like a weirdo and scratched my neck embarrassingly. "Hehehe, same old Shota, I guess." "What do you mean 'same old'? We're in the same class, we see each other everyday." "Yeah, I know, but- Ahh just forget it." As you probably can tell, Shota's comments irritate me quite a bit sometimes, but he's usually a fun guy to be around. Shota is actually a year younger than me, but his smart-ass managed to skip one year. That might also explain why he's quite a bit shorter than I am. Shota really likes to take pictures, if you hadn't already noticed that.

"So what are you doing here today Shota? I thought you always kept your distance from the busier parts of the Club Festival." "Yeah, you're right. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for-" "Lemme guess, Shota, you're here because your girlfriend asked you for photos for the school newspaper, right?" I smirked. "Yeah, you're totally right! Who could've thought you could-" Shota realized his mistake and the moment he did, his face went up in flames. That's another thing you should know about Shota, if you ever lose him in a giant crowd, just shout something embarrassing about him and his face will shine bright like a light bulb through the crowd. "I told you many times Dan, she isn't my girlfriend!" He yelled in his flustered state. "Yeahhh... No, she's totally your girlfriend dude."

Shota sighed "I'm never able to win one of these arguments, am I?" "You could make your life easier by admitting she's your girlfriend." "Oh shut up Dan." He told me as he stuck his tongue out to me. "So while we're still on the topic, how come you never told me about your girlfriend, huh?" Shota smirked deviously at me. "Hmm...? Who are you talking about?" I asked him; actually a bit confused from what he's saying. Shota rolled his eyes, "I'm talking about you and Ms. Candy-floss over there, I even got a picture of y'all being lovey-dovey with each other." He explained with his index finger pointed towards Natsuki.

Natsuki's POV

"Hey you bastard! Don't you dare call me Ms. Candy-floss again, or I'll beat you to pulp!" Shota looked shocked at that, he probably didn't expect me to be so brutally intimidating. But suddenly the stupid idiot, also known as Dan, puts his arm around my shoulders for reasons I don't know and probably don't want to know. "And about the whole 'lovey-dovey' thing... I'm glad you noticed!" Dan grinned. I sighed whil being stuck beside him and tried to call for help from Sayori, which wasn't really succesful seen as Sayori just gave me a cheery smile. "But to be more precise Shota, Suki and I aren't official yet. But hearing you say that you thought we were actually an item, makes me really happy." There he stood, grinning like a madman.

What the hell is he trying to achieve with this? "Yeah right Dan. You wish that were to happen." I told him as I tried my best to escape from his surprisingly strong grip. Dan smirked smugly. "Hmm, maybe?" 

"S-so, Shota... right? What is it you actually came here for again?" I tried asking him as casual as possible, while also trying to ignore Dan's almost blatant, but probably joking confession. Shota looked a bit dumbfounded but answered me anyway. "Oh uhh... I was looking for great opportunities to take pictures of different kinds of club activities for the school newspaper. And I happened to walk by here and spotted Dan."

Sayori seemed to get excited somehow, "Oh, oh, oh! So, our club can get in the newspaper too?!" She said, bouncing excitingly. Shota seemed to be a bit overwhelmed by her energy, but now that I think about it, all of us club members seem to have some kind of quirk which never fails to surprise people. Except for maybe Dan, he's just the weird guy in the group. But I still like- ahhh nope. Nope. Nope...

Maybe a little...?

Dan finally let me go from his grip. "Great! So, we all get in position and-and-and you, by 'you', I mean Shota, you grab a cupcake with a decoration of your liking on it and then BAM and yessss..." Dan trailed off a bit there, but we all somehow managed to understand what he was saying, and we got to work to make the picture at least decent looking.

Shota scanned through all the cupcakes we still had and picked one he liked. He picked the one with the word 'fate' written on it. "It is a bit random, but I like the word because such a small word still carries much meaning and a lot of thoughts behind it." "Ehehe, if Monika were here, she'd try to convince you to join the club." Sayori chuckled lightly. "I'll take that as a compliment. Although, literature isn't really my thing." He smiled. And with that, we were ready for our most likely great picture.


And another chapter written and done.
Was it any good? (Surely hope so)
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Well then, see y'all in the next chapter!

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