-21- Autumn could not leave the Cold behind

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Welcome to ze twenty first chapter!
I finally got a day off from school and a not-so-busy week.
I really really really want to update more frequently, but school gets in the way of that with it's damn irregular schedule and even if I got time, I waste all of it by trying to come up with ideas. I'll try my best, but there won't be any guarantees ;)
Please have faith and keep on reading!
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Dan's POV

Who would've thought it could get this cold within just a week? I mean, the Club Festival was just last week and it was far from cold then. We sure are getting deeper into autumn, alright. I was able to find my old scarf, if only I had my gloves though, my hands are hurting so damn much! Well whatever, good thing I don't live that far from school. That thought carried into another; what about Natsuki? She lives way further from school... My mind quickly trailed off.

I finally arrived at school, it was so warm and cozy inside I actually wouldn't mind staying in school for a couple extra hours. But I haven't reached that mental state yet, so that won't happen anytime soon. While walking to my locker, I bumped into Sayori, who was way too overdressed. "Oh morning Sayori, tell me, do you really think it is that cold?" "What are you talking about? Of course, it's freezing! It's cold here too! Brrrrr." I sweat dropped as she shivered. "Oh Dan, I'm sorry for not walking to school with you this morning, but I couldn't find my winter clothes anywhere." She apologized. "Wait, so you left later and still got here the same time as me? You can be really energetic sometimes Sayori." I laughed. "Huh what, I think you're just slow Dan." Sayori giggled. "Uwaa?! Hey, no bullying allowed at school!" I told her as I punched her jokingly. "Ehehe!" She giggled before running to her locker.


Even though it was all cozy feeling in school, the lessons were still boring as ever and soon enough my mind drifted off elsewhere... Hmmm, now that the festival has passed, what are we going to do at the club now? Surely not just only writing poems every meeting, right? Maybe I should ask Monika later today. Damn, I'm actually excited to be part of the Literature Club, who would've thought huh. Does Natsuki like the club too? Does she even like to read manga with me? I wonder... Dan....... Dan.... Daniel..! I got pulled out off my thoughts from hearing my name called out to me, but all I saw was the teacher looking angrily at me. "Well well class, looks like we have the new Silliest Sausage of the month." A 'yes!' was heard from the back off the class, "Yes, you caught on real quick, Daniel here will replace you, so you don't have to be my assistant for the rest of the month anymore." The teacher continued. Ugh... just my luck.


Finally, all the lessons were over and it was almost time for the club meeting to start. As I was calmly walking to the clubroom, I heard the quick tapping of footsteps closing in on my location. "SAYORIII!!! GIVE IT TO ME!" Yelled the voice that was oh so easy to recognize. "Ehehe... if you want it that bad, come and get it then!" Sayori ran right past me while waving me off with... the school newspaper? Then Natsuki passed me too, "Oh hey dummy, if you want your self image to be saved, you have to help me get that newspaper from Sayori!" And with that, she ran further away; towards the clubroom. School newspaper? Self image? Clubroom?... wait, oh no.

"Wait! Sayori!!" I yelled after them as I quickened my pace. But it was already too late, I could tell the moment I entered the room. Natsuki was already building a pile of manga volumes to hide in, while Sayori was showing Monika and Yuri a particular picture which was made last week. "Look look! We're on the first page of the Club Festival article!" Sayori said; jumping around excitedly. We didn't make it in time. With that thought, I also walked towards the Manga Pile of Shame. "Oh my gosh... I'm impressed guys!" Monika told us with a proud, encouraging voice. "It s-sure looks like you all had a good time." Yuri nodded; agreeing with Monika's statement.

With those words, Natsuki and I awakened from the path towards the darkest corners within Tartarus. Natsuki poked her head out of the pile of manga, "Huh? The picture isn't bad? Wait a second, how can it not be bad? My face is on it combined with the dumb smile from Dan over there..." I squinted my eyes at her. "Come on, Suki, I don't smile that stupidly." I replied.

My mind changed as soon as I saw the picture. Natsuki look at me with an 'I told you so' look. "Alright, maybe a little..." Natsuki rolled her eyes. "A little?! Look at the picture again!" I did as I was told; usually the case with anything Suki tells ya.

Sure, I looked a bit dumb in the picture, but it's not extreme. Sayori, on the other hand, looked like it was the best day of her life. But still, Natsuki didn't look that bad at all; she actually wore an adorable smile, and her eyes too, they shone the brightest and- Ow! "Why did you punch me?" "Duh, you almost started drooling over the picture, I had to stop you before it got creepier, dummy." Heat rose to my face. Maybe I did get a little carried away.

"Anyway," Monika interrupted us, "with this we got at least some sort of advertisement, so great job guys!" She applauded us softly. "Wow, Shota even wrote a small article about our club, I should probably thank him for that..." I mumbled as I checked the rest of the page. "Well, we're done here, right?" Natsuki tugged at my sleeve, "Come on, you did bring the next volume, right, Dan?" I nodded, "Of course I did!" Natsuki smiled... she turned around and skipped over to our usual reading corner, while holding onto my hand. My face felt so warm, how... how can she smile even cuter than in that picture?


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Well then see you next time.
(Don't worry, I will make time as soon as possible to start writing the next chapter, maybe even today. ;p)

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