-33- Compared to you

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Welcome to ze thirty-third chapter!
Just like I promised, this one didn't take 4 months to get published.
So you guys know, it really doesn't take me that long to write a chapter, it did always take me a while to get started on one though...
Anyways, have fun reading!
(Please notify me on any spelling/grammar mistakes, so I can correct them ASAP)


Dan's POV

"Do you need me to help lift these up to your room?" I tried asking politely.

"No, I'll be fine." Natsuki instantly shot me down. Harsh.

To be completely honest, and I'm not underestimating my girlfriend one bit, I couldn't quite believe her when she said that. My disbelief probably showed on my face though. "I'm not joking Dan, I'll be fine on my own. If not, I'll just ask my dad to help me. You should go home." She thoroughly explained.

Fine. I give up. I threw my hands up in the air, as if I literally admitted defeat. "Alright, I'll go home then." Unfortunately for her though, it was pretty darn impossible for me to leave her just like that. I just had to dive in and give her a small peck. A small peck for my small girl. "Love ya, see you tomorrow!"

Without much thought, I left my possibly delusional girlfriend behind and went home. Luckily for me, it wasn't that long of a walk to my house, especially if you know which routes to take. Since my Natsuki just can't live without me, there's no way I wouldn't know these streets from front to back.

Anyways, after about a ten minute walk, I successfully made my way home in one piece. I could see the light shining from Sayori's window, so it seems like she made it home fine. Naturally if you don't need to carry more than a hundred volumes of manga home, you're of course gonna be home hella early.

I creeped my way to the front door of my house and unlocked it. Upon entering I took off my shoes, but when I went to hang my coat at the coat rack, I nearly tripped over another pair of shoes. In such a situation my supercomputer-like head processed within a second what was going on exactly.

Someone else was in the house! ...And they were polite enough to take off their shoes!

As I put those strange shoes aside properly though, it hit me that those probably belong to Jon or his son. After I stored away my coat for real, I finally decided to progress through the rest of my own house. Slowly making my way through the hallway, I silently creaked the door open which connected with the living room. Just in case it might've just been a really proper thief, I stealthily peeked my head around the corner.

My mind instantly calmed down when I heard someone messing about in the kitchen, as if they were cooking. I got over all my doubts and stood up straight. With a clear head I walked towards the kitchen, if this was Jonathan's kid I wouldn't want to give him a scare either.

Entering the kitchen, I was indeed met with someone I didn't know. He seemed to be looking through all the pans I had, as if he planned on cooking something. I softly cleared my throat to make him aware of my presence and he turned around within a second.

The boy was about a head shorter than me, with slightly longer and brighter hair. Some could argue he had blond hair, but maybe it just depended on the light. "W-woah! I'm so s-sorry!" He apologized to the point of bowing, all the while he still had a pan in his hand.

I gave a smile, hoping to calm him down a bit. "Don't worry, there's nothing to apologize for!" That's what I think, at least. "You must be Jonathan's son, right?"

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