-4- I'll be sure to survive

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Welcome to ze fourth chapter!
I like hamburgers.
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Dan's POV

Mornings are such a drag, I thought. The cold of dawn landed on my skin, resulting in my uncontrollable shivering. I had enclosed myself entirely in winter equipment, even though summer just ended, yet it barely helped. I'm going to kill Sayori, if she ever gets out of her damned bed!

Sure enough, a door slammed not too long afterwards. My friend ran speedily towards me, before dramatically coming to a halt. "Gooood morning!"


Sayori stretched, squeezing all the dazedness out of her system. "Why are you so..." the devilish girl eyed me judgingly, "wrapped up?"

"It's cold."

She sighed, almost disappointed. "You're making a grave mistake, silly Dan," shaking her head.

"Why?" I mumbled through the collar of my long coat.

"It's transitioning from summer to autumn, dummy. This means it'll be cold in the mornings, and warm in the afternoon! You're going to die by the time school's over!"

"Problem for later," I shrugged it off, "Actual problem right now," I tapped my wrist, pretending I wore a watch, "We're gonna be late, because of you sleeping in, so let's move it, stupid," raising my pace, I quickly left Sayori in my trail of dust.

"Hey, you bully! Wait for me!"


Forget about the mornings, the entire day is a drag! I was practically melting from this stupid post-summer heat. The only thing worse than suffering from this idiotic amount of heat, is knowing Sayori was right, I thought.

My school day had luckily come to an end, although I felt like I just went through three days at once. The rest of my classmates had already made sure to dip, as I was the only one left behind. It was time for me to get up too.

And so I... "Can't be bothered," I muttered while faceplanting on my desk, too drained to move in any productive way.

"Daaaaaan!" A lighthearted voice refused to let me fall into the distant haze of this disgusting heat. "Wait, are you even alive?" Sayori walked up to my desk, before prodding me like the annoying toddler she's prone to being every now and then.

"Stop touching me! I'll report this as uh..." My brain went into overtime, "...sexual assault!" I looked up at the predator, glaring threateningly.

Surprisingly enough, she couldn't have looked any less shocked. In fact, she wore this vile, disgusted frown as she stared down on me. "That's disgusting, I'm never getting near you again," next thing I knew, the one person I believed to be my friends for years without end, pretended to vomit at the idea of being in the vicinity of my existence.

"Thanks for being my friend, Sayori," I smiled broadly.

"No problem!" She smiled back, grabbing the nearest seat and sitting down. "Anyway, you ready to go to club with me?" Her face was serious now.

I eyed her suspiciously, "Why do you make it sound like a big deal? It's just like joining a club normally right?"

"I mean, that should be the case," she pondered, "but not for you."

Although I figured she was merely joking at the moment, I did feel shivers climb it's way upwards on my spine. "Funny, Sayori. But I'm sure whatever this... 'literature club' throws at me, I'll be sure to survive it."

Sayori frowned, looked me straight into my eyes. "Well then, ready to make some friends?" She sprang out of her chair, fists raised in excitement.

"Pretty sure I am," I stood up as well, slightly more slowly, "Well, aside from this stupid heat," after motioning for Sayori to wait a moment, I quickly removed my jumper, as I almost grew sick of wearing three layers. I saw her getting ready to say something, "Don't you dare say anything," I warned her.

She looked away, face covered with guilt. "I-I just wanted to comment on how easily you strip in front of others, it's not helping this yucky track record of yours."

"Those 'others' you mention, is literally only you, and you've never commented on it before. Besides, I'm wearing multiple-"

"Ugh who cares! Let's just go already, everyone's definitely been waiting for ages now," she skipped her way out of the classroom, not even sparing a moment for me to stuff my clothes in my bag.

I quickly caught up to her. "You know, I actually brought some of my manga with me today, I thought that would be nice."

"Did you now?"

"Yeah, it's a shounen battle manga, it should be pretty light to read as well and-"

"That's so amazing!" Her shouting filled the hallway.

"Fine, I'll shut up," I mumbled, disappointed.

"We're here anyway."


Sayori opened a door and swiftly dragged me inside along with herself. It was rather overwhelming, and when I finally adjusted to the surroundings, it suddenly sank in why she told me it'd be a big deal for me to be in this club. That's because... the only people in this club are girls?!


And here we are once again, at the end of the chapter.
Thank you so much for reading this and for your support.
Until next chapter, see y'all then, my friends!

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