-30- From afar

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It's ze thirtieth chapter, welcome...
And somehow, Hold You Forever has more than 50.000 reads now.
I love you all so much for sticking with this story.
Now let's get right back to the story, first off, a new perspective...
(Please notify me on any spelling/grammar mistakes, so I can correct them ASAP)


A lot happens at this school. Relationships are really fun to watch, and fights too. A good backstory can make it very amusing as well. It's just... teenagers. They're so stupidly difficult yet surprisingly simplistic. Oh, but the teachers are just a mess, don't get me started on them. In fact, I've written multiple notebooks to the brim about how people interact with people. You can find out a whole lot by just watching their faces, although that's just the beginner level. A true veteran, like me, can fluently lip read and make use of various techniques to read people.

But those two... what could they precisely be talking about? Definitely intriguing.

Of course, I do believe myself to be pretty good at reading people. Expertly, even. But today I've come across an interesting situation, here amidst lunch break. It's just those two, Natsuki and Daniel, I believe. Aren't they a couple? Anyway, they've truly gotten themselves into some sketchy stuff. Something about a dad, whose not someone's dad, but knows someone's dad.

Don't get me wrong, I've never had a girlfriend before, so I don't understand all those relative issues. Don't you get adopted into their family once you've become a couple? Sounds like a pain... Either way, it looks to be very serious. That Daniel looks very serious about it, and Natsuki is like, 'Get your act together, babe. You should be manlier in times like these!' With my sharpened intuition, I've managed to simulate Natsuki very accurately. But obviously, that girl is horrible at hiding her worries. Yet somehow, the boyfriend doesn't seem to notice.



And now he noticed me, even though I was hiding myself with great skill. Damn it, I'll have to try better next time. Luckily I have made quite some progress today...


Dan's POV

"Do you really think it would be okay for me to just meet this guy who's supposed to be my godfather?" I asked my girlfriend in a worried voice.

Natsuki seemed to be fiddling with my sleeve, before she gave me an answer. "I mean, didn't your own mother tell you about him? He should be legit, right?" She explained thoughtfully.

"I know, I know... But everything just feels off. Why did he show up now, and not earlier? Would've definitely been a lot better if he'd been here sooner." I couldn't help but be suspicious.

"So... you're not gonna meet up with him then?" Natsuki had gotten confused.

"No, I am going to meet up with him, I just wanted to discuss this with-" A certain confirmation to my suspicion is what made me stop in the midst of my sentence. I had the feeling we were being watched, but because it's lunch break and because we're being surrounded by nearly every student, I just shook it off.

But there he is, all the way at the end of another halway; creeping behind the wall. The damned guy is glaring daggers at me! How did I not notice him immediately? I think I've seen him somewhere befo-

"Hmm? Something wrong Dan?"

"...Oh no, just a thought flashing by, nothing to worry about." Yet again, I shook it off. For now at least.

Hold You Forever - DDLC {Natsuki x MC}Where stories live. Discover now