-36- Hustle and Bustle

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Welcome to ze thirty-sixth chapter!
Yes, this is actually another chapter. It took a while, yet again, but we're going for it. Let's hope I keep up the pace until the end of this story.
I hope you enjoy!
(Please notify me of any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct them ASAP)


Dan's POV

"Holy crap," Sayori and I simultaneously exclaimed. "You took that with you to school?" I motioned to the portable gaming console on the desk before us.

"I-isn't it so cool?" Yuri also shared her excitement with everyone. "It's one of those new portable consoles you can take with you and play anywhere! I nearly couldn't believe it when Aito told me he had one!"

The boy's eyes locked on Yuri for a brief second, as if he were calculating what to say. "Precious time with my precious clubmates, isn't that what they say? I simply couldn't resist the desperate call for entertainment from my closest friends," Aito spoke grandly. His confidence towards Yuri had definitely gotten stronger, ever since the two had first met a couple of weeks ago.

"I thought you were in the conspiracy club?" Natsuki mumbled next to me.

"Shush," he quite literally shushed her. "They are irrelevant, it's where they would expect me to be right now. And the last thing I should be, is predictable."

I noticed Natsuki's eye twitching slightly, but enough to tell me what she thought of his comment. I held her shoulder and shook my head, in an attempt to tell her it was useless to question Aito's way of thinking.

After no one decided to mind the conspiracy boy's way of thinking, we unanimously chose to stay in silence. Huddled together, in a circle around the console, we waited in anticipation. For what? We didn't know, but the tension was killing. I looked around, watching everyone's faces. Natsuki looked unbothered, but still tense. Yuri looked extremely excited, and about to burst, at that. Speaking of bursting, Sayori was sweating rivers in anticipation. Meanwhile, Aito nervously let his gaze wander to Yuri, from time to time. No one said anything, and the silence kept it's presence strong.

"Are we gonna play anything then?" Sayori broke the lengthy silence, having grown too impatient.

"I don't know for how much longer I could've continued praying to that console," Natsuki hummed along.

"I was waiting for s-someone else to say something," Yuri admitted.

Aito chuckled. "I figured all of you were this excited."

Then why didn't you say anything?

"Alright, should we play rock, paper, scissors for which two people get to play first?" I suggested. Everyone nodded and all five of us then held out our hands. "On 'scissors', okay? Here we go, rock, paper, scissors!"

A short moment of silence followed, as each one of us looked at each other's hand to figure out if they were still in the running or not. It was an easy selection. Three threw rock, and two threw paper. No redo needed.

"Ah, damn it! Why do I always lose this game!" shouted Sayori, shaking her hand violently as if she was going to use the 'rock' to sling at someone.

The three girls had retracted their hands, after a pitiful loss. Aito and I remained, for it was meant to be a battle between men. "You know, I figured you would be my opponent," remarked Aito.

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