-19- No Lack of Charisma

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Welcome to ze nineteenth chapter!
I was planning on making this chapter longer but I ran out of time a little.
You see, I'm going to Berlin with my class this week so I wanted to have written a chapter for y'all.
I couldn't really take the time to get all the errors out of this chapter, so if there are mistakes, I will fix them later.
I hope this chapter length will do for now, but please enjoy reading nonetheless!
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Dan's POV

The Club Festival has officially started and everybody has gone all out compared to last year.
All the different clubs were trying their best to show what they had to offer.

For example, the Art club used parts of the hallways to make room for an exhibition; they even used a classroom to give people lessons in the basics of drawing a portrait.

The Athletics club used the track fields to show what they're made of. They even let some of the students who were standing by compete in their races.

The Swimming Club was using the pool to teach other students all the different kinds of swimming techniques.
They also informed on the upcoming competitions, if people were to join that is.

Of course there were also the indoor sport clubs like volleyball, badminton, basketball etc.
They taught anyone interested how the basics of the sports worked.

Meanwhile the Drama Club used the stage to give a pretty 'dramatic show' they have been practicing.
In fact, Monika and Yuri will be performing on the same stage right after the drama club's act.

For other clubs who don't really like the idea of putting up a whole 'show', they are able to use one of the many stands in the main hallway, where they can give out information and flyers about their corresponding club.

But while all that is taking place everywhere on the school grounds, Natsuki, Sayori and I were just chilling at our cute and cozy Literature Club Cupcake stand near the cafeteria. And it might have looked real busy around here, and it might actually be really busy, don't get tricked because all them people are just here for the almighty Club Cuisine. Even though it's at the far end of the hallway, the amazing smell can't even be missed from outside the school building.

"Red, red....red" "Blue, blue..." Sayori and I were counting all the people in red and blue shirts, since sitting here for at least thirty minutes got quite boring pretty fast. Natsuki, on the other hand, laid half dead next to me. At least, that's what I assume, she hasn't said anything for the last fifteen minutes. "Ahhh I'm getting dizzy, Dan!" "What, are you seeing purple shirts now?" "Huh? Wait... I actually do see purple shirts." I rolled my eyes at how silly this bubbly girl could be sometimes.

But then, Natsuki finally returned from the dead, "Uuugghh... it's been about thirty-five minutes already and nobody came here to get one of my cupcakes!" "Nah, you mean our cupcakes, I put quite the effort into making these cupcakes too!" "Yeah right, you couldn't even mix the batter by yourself!" Sayori interrupted me before I could make a comeback, "Guyssss your complaints are making me hungry, if nobody'll come here anyway, couldn't we just eat the cupcakes?" Both Natsuki and I looked at Sayori with a "You serious?" face. "No." We both answered simultaneously.

"Well Suki, if you really want our cupcakes to be eaten, I shall use my amazing skills." Natsuki looked at me with disbelief. "Skills huh? Well, please tell me what you're gonna show us today." "Hehehe... My charms will get all the girls running over here in no time." "Wait what? Ch-charms? Girls? Can't you just use some other-" I interrupted her by putting my index finger on her lips. "Shush shush, Suki... Charms are but a tool for business, didn't you know?" I winked at her. "Oh, s-shut up!" She sat back down with hints of red on her face. "See, it works!"

I cleared my throat and got my sexiest voice ready, but right before I was able to show my charms, two girls appeared in front of me. "U-uhm h-hey... Daniel!" That took me off guard, I didn't expect them to know my- oh wait, name tag, duh. I cleared my thoat once again, "Oh, hey there, girls! Do you want a free cupcake? They are home made~" I added a sneaky wink at the end; you never know when it'll come in handy.

Seems like it was a success, because they started blushing and instantly scanned the trays to find a good looking cupcake. "Did you know that fifty percent of the cupcakes were designed by me? Quite impressive, huh?" A small sarcastic chuckle was heard from Natsuki's corner. I quietly mouthed a 'shut up' at Natsuki and turned back to the girls. I saw them whispering; something about creative and cute. "D-Daniel? Can we take a picture with you? A-a-and the c-cupcakes o-o-of course." One of the girls smiled at me with a semi flustered face.

This'll be good promotion for our club. "Of course-" Before I could accept their request, Natsuki poked her nose in the conversation. "No, sorry girls, it ain't happening." Everyone turned their heads in pink-haired girl's direction, and we looked at her, questioningly. I could tell from her red face that she didn't really like the many pairs of eyes directed at her. "Ah- umm... we have uhh- some p-p-privacy... r-rules? I mean, yeah! Strict privacy rules, some of us don't really like it to get t-their picture taken." She finished talking with the slightest tone of confidence in her voice.

I turned back around to see how the girls reacted, "O-oh, we're very sorry! W-we did not know about that!" "No worries, girls! Even I forgot about these 'rules' too! Well then, have a good day, alright?" "T-thanks Daniel, you too!" I waved them off with a grin. "Aaaaand... there goes our easy promotion."


There y'all have it!
We'll continue right where we left off next time!
Please consider to leave a comment and to vote, all the support/feedback will be appreciated!
See y'all later alligator.

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