-1- Pastime

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Welcome to ze first chapter!
First up, our MC is called Daniel (Dan for short!)
(Please notify me on any grammar/spelling mistakes, so I can correct it ASAP)


Dan's POV

Here I was, once again, in the school library. I actually come here quite often lately, I mean, it is a nice and quiet place to read my manga. Nobody disturbing or judging you... and since I'll have to wait here anyways, it's a good way to kill some time.

Thing is, my childhood friend Sayori has joined some 'literature club' not too long ago. But since she acts a lot like a child, one might even say she still is in the first place, she doesn't really like to walk home by herself. And given the fact that I've walked that route with her since childhood, I'm also the one nominated for having to wait for Sayori until club is done.

Though it's not like it's a bad thing, not at all actually. I mean, I'd much rather sit here than having to join some stupid club myself. The only club that partially interests me, is the anime club. But unfortunately that one is filled with sweaty nerds and their way too large to be healthy body pillow collections. Not really something for me, I guess.

There's also all the different sports clubs, but they're just filled with teens with overflowing testosterone and actual decently looking bodies. I mean, I'm not fat or skinny or anything, just a bit too average for my liking. Now that I think about it, I don't really have that many friends either, just a few.

I guess that's enough of stating the facts, I don't even know how I got my line of thoughts all this way. I had just bought the newest volume of My Hero Academia too, and I was extremely hyped up until just a second ago...

But right when I was about to get immersed into the story again, I thought I heard the sounds of books falling, followed by a louder thud and finally an "Ow!" to finish it all off. That scared the crap outta me, I didn't even know there was anyone else here. Crap, and I was just talking to myself out loud!

Pushing all those thoughts away though, I closed my manga volume, put it back in my bag and swiftly closed it. Although the person might have just heard me speculate about the story I was reading, that someone could have injured themselves.

Keeping that in mind, I got up from my spot and threw my bag over my shoulder. I slowly walked by multiple aisles, in the direction from where I heard the sounds earlier, until I was pretty sure I found the right aisle. How did I know that? Intuition? A massive amount of hardworking braincells? The fact that there was a girl sitting on the ground amidst multiple books and manga while rubbing the top of her head with her hands? Who knows?

Instinctively, I made my way to the girl. She looked a bit young, but I think she's actually the same age as me. If I'm not wrong, I believe I've seen her in one of the other classes in my year before. She comes off as a very quiet girl, she is pretty short, has a petite figure, pink hair, bright eyes to match the color of her hair, kinda cute- Alright, let's stop it there. Barely even know the girl, except from seeing her from afar sometimes. Definitely not creepy.

It surely didn't take her long to notice me though, because she quickly looked up and locked her eyes with mine for a short moment, before shooting her line of sight straight back down to the ground.

I kneeled down in front of her. "Hey, are you alright?"

She gave me an irritated glance and took her hands off her head. "O-of course I'm alright! You think some books would hurt me? I probably just look like some fragile small girl to you, huh," She began to rant.

That shocked me quite a bit, actually not at all how I'd think she'd react. "Woah there, I was never judging you, I just heard some noise and something sounding clearly like 'ow'. Then I came over to check if that someone was okay and I came across you; sitting on the floor with multiple books around you, rubbing the top of your head," I raised my eyebrows at her, to which she reddened and looked away like a kid who just got caught doing something they shouldn't.

"I-I could have just... read too many books..." She paused for a few seconds, clearly thinking. "While sitting on the floor, and I could have gotten a really bad headache too..." I wondered why she was so desperately trying to convince me.

"Mhm, that surely could have happened. Anyways, I'll help you clean up."


The books that laid there were mostly manga, one in particular was called Parfait Girls. Probably not my genre. "So... you like manga?"

"Huh?! Something wrong with that?!" As if she wasn't already, she suddenly got really defensive.

"No, no, calm down. I was just interested, is all," I fiddled around in my bag. "Look, I read manga too," I showed her my freshly bought manga, to prove my alliance.

"Shounen, huh," The girl muttered under her breath. "Ahh- I'm sorry for overreacting, I guess... it's just that people are really judging nowadays. Even the few friends I have are sure to let me know about their opinions," She explained with her head held down.

"Man do I know that feeling," I gave a sigh. "But you can see it this way, you're not the only one with few friends!" I gave her a thumbs up and tried my best to crack a smile.

The girl eyed me questioningly. "Is that your weak attempt to cheer me up or are you in search of sympathy for your own miserable situation?"

"I guess it's a bit of both."

"That's pretty sad."

"Anyway!" I broke the weird tension. "Why do you even look for manga in the library? The quality is absolutely disgusting. Last time I borrowed manga the volume reeked of coffee, and not in a nice, calming way. No, that shit kept me awake just by smelling it."

Suddenly, the girl let some air escape her mouth, which I thought might have been some sort of chuckle. "Do you think I take pleasure borrowing manga from the school library? Absolutely not. I just needed a temporary replacement for a volume I lost."

"So, you're like a collector?"

"I guess, but not very competitive, if you even know what I mean with that."

"Hey, I'm not stupid!"

"Yeah sure, whatever," We both grew silent yet again, as we place the final few volumes back on their respective shelves. Even after that, the silence dreaded just a bit too long. "B-but I think I need to go back to my club now. Th-thanks for helping me, o-or something." And before I could even make fun of her childish, awkward behavior, she had already run off.

Well... that was quite the experience. Since it seemed like I still had some time left, I figured I might as well finish the chapter I was reading earlier.


First chapter, done!
Hopefully it was enjoyable for all of you hahaha
Until next time, see ya!

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