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2 Years and 12 Days -In the Glade-

I head towards Gally and try not to let the notebook influence me. What I said to Alby still stands true we aren't the people we were before we came into the glade. "Gally!" I call over the dining area "You're a builder today, let's go," I tell him as I turn towards the shed designated for the builders. I can sense him behind me before he speaks "Builder? How come I haven't meant any other builder?" Gally asks "Cause there aren't anymore," I tell him entering the shed.

"What happened to them?" he asks as I pick up two axes "Take this," I tell him and he doesn't hesitate grabbing the axe and following me to the tree line. "Are you going to answer me?" he asks as I take my first swing at the tree, and I consider it for half a second. "You gonna help?" I ask as the thin tree already falls at my feet. "I'll help when I know what I'm getting into," he states with frustration lacing his words and I glare at him. "They broke the rules," I start as I swing down on the tree at my feet.

"They attacked me, so they were out. Except for the second one he never got the chance to get thrown out," I tell Gally and he finally begins swinging at the tree on the ground. "You killed him?" he asks and I nod "After that no one else has been dumb enough to come at me," I tell him and he nods. He's quiet for a while after that, only doing what he's told and I get a chance to study him as he works. "Not bad," I tell him as he secures the support beam in place.

"What do you think about the job?" I ask him and he stares up at the beam "Feels natural," he answers and I nod "Then it's yours," I answer and he smiles slightly. "I'll try not to follow in the former builder's footsteps," he jokes, and although I know he meant it light-hearted I can't muster the strength to fake even a smirk. "Don't," I tell him seriously "report to me every day for your list of tasks. I'll train you to be the keeper of the builders, after a while you'll be in charge of others to help you out," I tell him and his smirk is gone "Okay," he tells me and then I leave him again.

I begin my walk back to the homestead when our runner comes out of the maze. "Wyck!" I shout but he ignores my call and I furrow my brow, I jog toward him "Wyck!" I shout at him again but he disappears into the trees and I bite the inside of my cheek with unease. I pull out my knife and hold it at the ready, if he's stung I'm not risking it. I let my eyes look to the sky for a single second to get a guess at the time. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of the maze doors, I guess that answers my question. 

I search for any sign of Wyck ready to stop him from going out into the glade if he's been stung. I edge closer to the map room but feel a cold sweat break out from the thought of being trapped in there with him. "Wyck," I ask and hear the faint sound of movement "I'm here," he calls and I sigh in relief as I lower my knife but don't put it away. "What the shuck Wyck? Why weren't you responding?" I ask as I enter and he smiles at me "I just was excited to continue the map. Today I found a number on one of the walls of the maze," he says as he paints the number five onto a rock. 

"So there are at least five different sections of the maze. Good work Wyck," I tell him as I finally secure my knife back in its holster. "Report this to Alby when you're done here, and then get to dinner you've earned a rest day tomorrow," I tell him before I leave the map room. 

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