Fighting Pit

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2 Years and 9 Months- In the Glade

When Gally steps into the circle we'd prepared to be the fighting pit many boys circle me to begin betting. I don't know what drove them all whether it is the deals struck or the chance to actually fight. Neither motive really mattered to me but I was eager to watch the show. "Will our first fighter of the night please join our keeper of the builders in the circle," I announce and Alby joins Gally in the circle drawing the attention of every glader. "Alright the rules are simple shanks, you'll both try to knock the other outside of the circle. No low blows and no blood, the winner reaps the benefits while the loser walks away defeated. Fight!" I announce to the crowd of excited teenage boys.

Gally and Alby don't disappoint both of them lunging forward holding each other's shoulders in a bear grip. I could barely turn my eyes away as more and more boys approached placing their bets. This was the most entertainment we'd ever had in the glade. Gally throws Alby down but Alby is quick to scramble to his feet. Alby lunges again and pushes Gally hard, but Gally only slides slightly his stance holding firm. They both circle each other trying to come up with a plan. When Gally lunges again Alby is quick to move out of the way. Gally lands on the ground but seemed to anticipate the move and grabs Alby's ankle from his position. With a strong pull, Alby hits the ground with a thud and his breath is knocked out of him. Gally hurries back to his feet and stands ready for Alby to stand as well. Alby's movements are definitely slowed from the move, and Gally gives him no time to recover.

Before Alby has even had time to process what's happening, Gally pushes him. The crowd is silent for a moment before it erupts into cheers. Alby was out of the circle "The first match goes to Gally!" I shout and Gally smirks triumphantly and we meet eyes. My stomach churns and I feel a memory attempt to press through but all I have are feelings that can't be placed. The next glader steps into the fighting pit eagerly and I know it's gonna be a long night for Gally.
The longer the night drags on it seems Gally only grows in skill, he learns the best tactics and the best ways to move. I'm happy because I made some tough bets with the gladers but I made a tougher bet with Gally which set me on edge. "It's about time to call it a night (Y/n) how many more fights do you have?" Alby asks "Just one," I tell him as my eye glance over at Minho. Minho is fast no doubt, but Gally is strong. If Gally gets Minho in his grasp it's over, so I just hope that Minho's as fast as he claims. Minho's bet was nothing too bad I just had to accept his request for hair gel finally. 

It was stupid to me but he claimed it was something he just had to have and he couldn't explain it. I didn't care if I had to get him a truckload of anything for Gally not to go snooping around in my journals. When Minho finally steps in the fighting pit I am eager to see the fight unfold. Gally is the first to lunge and Minho seemed to expect that from watching each of the previous fights. He dodges Gally and moves away from the boy quickly so he can't grab his ankles as he'd done to Alby. Gally scrambles to his feet and watches Minho like he's a hunter tracking prey. It put a kind of tension in the air that we hadn't felt in the previous fights.

Minho getting tired of playing mouse lunges at Gally attempting to push him. Gally grabbed onto Minho's shirt and attempted to sling him out of the circle, but Minho held on just as tight. "Let go dammit!" Gally shouted and the boys seemed to be stuck in a stalemate as they fought to knock the other one out. Gally was at a disadvantage, he was worn from his previous fights. Not to mention that Minho had built up endurance from running the maze. Minho had begun to gain ground pushing Gally closer and closer towards the edge of the circle. Gally seemed worried and kept peering behind him to see how close he was to the edge. 

I smirked feeling triumphant seeing Minho's victory so close, but at the last second Gally shifted his weight and used his remaining strength to toss Minho into the crowd of boys outside of the circle. The boys cheered and Gally looked straight at me a smug smile plastered to his stupid face.

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