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~SA Trigger Warning up ahead!~

2 Years 3 Months and 13 Days -In the Glade-

"Okay, Gally I think you've got the hang of this," I tell him looking at the new sleeping quarters finished and tested. "So does this mean I'm the keeper now?" he asks and I nod "The newest greenie will be over here soon his name's Minho. I'll be watching," I tell him and Gally nods with a small smirk tugging at his lips. If I hadn't been hanging around him for so long I'd think he was happy, but Gally didn't get happy about too much. Alby had come to me about it a time or two, according to him Gally struggled to sleep and it had a direct impact on his mood.

I could understand a negative disposition in this place though, it was slow going to find a way out but I did want to help him out though. Don't need our only builder crashing on the job. I think about my only source of comfort in the glade, my notebooks, it always helped to write nightmares down on paper and I wonder if it'd do the same for him. I go into the homestead towards are supplies and pick up a pen and a notebook for him. "Your notebook full already?" Alby asks and I almost feel a blush keep to my cheeks as if I'd been caught in something.

"I-I'm gonna give it to Gally, help with the nightmares," I tell him and I can see his bright smile, and my cheeks turn beet red "It's not like that Alby!" I tell him feeling defensive and Alby raises his hands in surrender. "Of course not, I'm just glad to see you're not too far gone," Alby tells me and I raise an eyebrow "What the klunk is that supposed to mean?" I ask him and he sighs. "Listen (Y/n), you're a great leader and the boys respect you, but outside of me, you have no friends. I know what happened with Stephen and Wes was awful, but you're letting them win by not trusting anyone," Alby tells me and now the red covering my cheeks is not embarrassment.

"Stephen raped me Alby! Wes tried, that's what happens when I let people get close to me!" I shout at him and throw the notebook down. The memory of Stephen breaking into my room and barricading the door while I slept trickles into my mind, and I feel bile rise in my throat. "It'll never happen again (Y/n). I'll kill the next boy who even lets it cross his mind if I have to," Alby tells me and I bite the inside of my cheek. Alby crosses the room and grabs my shoulders forcing me to look at him.

"You're safe, they're dead and you're not," he tells me and I nod hearing the words I'd been repeating to myself since Wes died a year ago. "Promise me you'll try. Everyone misses you at the bonfires," he tells me and I nod. He lets me go and I all but run away from the homestead, I go to do my job, shadowing Gally and the greenie Minho. When I get over to them I hear them laughing as Minho secures a trap in place. "So, Gally what's out there?" Minho asks staring towards the maze a smile still on his features. I listen closely to this conversation because Minho is a good candidate for a runner, it took Wyck tackling him to get him to stop running.

"Don't know, a maze from what I've heard," Gally tells him turning to the next task "Hmm... And it's our only way out?" Minho continues pestering Gally and Gally only shrugs. "It is," I but in making my presence known "We've tried about everything else that we could think of," I explain "Climbing to the top, going down in the box, digging a hole, etc." I list off a few and Minho looks entranced. "Have you ever been out there?" Minho asks me and I nod "It's not as simple as you think. You have to be ready for anything, grievers, pits, but I think the hardest part is getting back in time," I tell him.

"Has anyone ever survived a night in the maze?" Gally asks me and I shake my head "Nope, it's impossible. If you don't make it back by the time those doors shut, you're dead," I tell him plainly, and then I look to Minho and he's glaring at the maze doors. "Wanna be a runner greenie?" I ask and he whips his head around fast. "Yes,"

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