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2 Years 9 Months and 9 Days- In the Glade

I'd been sitting in this cramped tent of a pantry for hours, and nothing, no one had come anywhere near it. I knew it was way past lights out, and the exhaustion was horrible, I could hardly keep my eyes open. I lean back against the crates and close my eyes, I think about Gally and his idiotic attitude towards me lately. I couldn't explain why but for some reason I hated the anger in his eyes when he looked at me. I much preferred the almost smiles to this current situation. 

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of rustling outside of the tent. I straighten and prepare for an intrusion. But when the tent opens I see Fry with a flashlight and blankets, "Fry!" I whisper yell and he smiles sheepishly "I thought you could use some company," he admits and I have to suppress a laugh even though a small smile ghosts over my features. "What'd you bring?" I ask tilting my head to the small bag slung over him. He plops down next to me and pulls the bag off with ease, "A little of this and a little of that," he tells me pulling out machetes. 

I have to laugh lightly at the idea. "Fry what do you think I'm gonna do to the shank I find in your pantry?" I ask and Fry shrugs "Scare the klunk out of him," Fry says frankly and I want to cackle. "I definitely think this will get the point across," I say taking a machete from Fry. I still was back to one hundred percent since the incident with Wyck, so if the shank did give me trouble I think the machete would definitely help.

"I'll take the first watch you can sleep," Fry tells me and I shake my head beginning to protest "No buts, (Y/n), you may be one of our leaders but I'm the leader of this pantry," Fry says waving his free hand around the pantry. I sigh "Okay fair enough keeper of the cooks," I tell him as I get comfortable in my spot. It takes me no time at all to drift off into sleep, I don't dream, it's a restless sleep until Fry shakes me lightly. "(Y/n)," Fry whispers, and I open my eyes wide as if I hadn't just been sleeping. He signals for me to be quiet and I listen, I can hear rustling close by and by the light filtering in I can assume that the sun beginning to rise. 

I tighten my grip on the machete as I listen carefully. Then a calloused hand grabs the tent opening, I stand as Minho's head pops through. "Minho?" I ask shocked but keeping my voice authoritative, Minho seems to blush and he raises his hands in mock surrender. "Why are you stealing from the pantry?" Fry asks angrier than me raising the machete and Minho laughs slightly pushing the tip of the machete away from him. "Whoa there Fry, I'm sorry I just needed a jump start in the morning before going into the maze. 

Minho offers in defense and I furrow my brows, "There was too much missing just for it to be you," Fry adds and I quirk a brow at Minho waiting for him to rat out whoever his partner in crime is. Minho stammers slightly until his eyes look off to the left, and I push out of the pantry to see a very guilty-looking Gally. Of course. "Really?" I ask and Gally shrugs "Minho's idea," he tries to defend and I sigh "No dessert rations until it matches up to how much the two of you took," I state beginning to walk towards the homestead.

I'm about to pass Gally when Minho grumbles "Come on (Y/n),"  I stop for a second and look back at him and then to Gally next to me "Be lucky you still get dinner," I add before continuing off.

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