Mission Impossible

537 20 1

2 Years 8 Months and 21 Days -In the Glade-

I flip through the inventory list my finger sliding down the list my brow furrowed. Someone's taken a machete, I realize as I see the numbers aren't matching up. My brain is flipping through who would do this and I bite the inside of my cheek. I exit the map room feeling on edge, machete's don't just disappear. I go to the tower and climb to the top letting out my own glader call, and it doesn't take every glader to gather below. I watch how they walk toward me on edge, who's nervous?

I climb down slightly to the tower's second tier and scowl at the gladers, and shortly Alby joins me on the second tier. "What's going on?" he asks and I scowl "someone stole a machete," I answer him quickly before turning back to the boys. I see Gally out of the corner of my eye and I fight the urge to look at him. "I'm going to ask this once, and if no one wants to fess up the consequences will double!" I shout my eyes scanning the crowd for anyone that looks nervous. I can see fidgeting and my head turns to scan the face, and I stare deeply into their face.

Wyck, why would Wyck steal a machete? "The punishment will be three nights in the pit, one meal a day!" I announce "now who stole the machete?!" I ask and the glade is silent. I stare at Wyck and can see him scratching his chest and pulling at his collar. I swallow hard and glare, "fine! Whoever can find out who took will be rewarded!" I shout and search their faces "with what?" I hear one brave enough to call out and I roll my shoulders. 

"Anything you want within reason," I say ready to commit to that promise and I can see the eagerness spark in their eyes. I let my eyes drift to Wyck again and feel nervous by what I see, agitation. I look to Alby and then back to Wyck I see the light turn on behind Alby's eyes. "Dismissed!" I shout to them and watch the boys scatter like flies, but my eyes stay on Wyck. "Want me to come?" Alby questions knowing I'll go to confront Wyck and I shake my head. "Nope," I say as I begin my dismount from the tower, I make sure I have everything I'd need if this conversation goes south. 

I follow Wyck to the sleeping quarter which are abandoned at this hour of the day. I hear his ragged breath and can see he's sweating bullets, I place my hand on my knife in its holster unsure of what would happen. "Wyck," I say as I approach his form that sits on the hammock, "don't come near me (Y/n)," I can hear him sob and I see the Machete in his hands. "Wyck put down the machete," I say evenly trying to sound calm about the situation.

Wyck's grip seems to tighten on the machete and I pull my knife out slowly. He moves quickly, standing and the machete pointed at me before I can lift my own knife. I swallow hard and feel sweat start on my forehead, my eyes begin searching Wyck. I see the signs of black veins above his blue shirt collar and attempt to hold back a gasp. I don't feed Wyck some lie about how it's okay, because we both know it's not. "Move the machete, Wyck," I tell him sternly and he closes his eyes with a sigh. "I-" he starts and I take this chance to grab the machete and kick him in the gut. 

Wyck falls back and I hiss in pain at the feeling in my hand. Wyck falls back into a post holding up the sleeping corners and I lift my knife to his neck as the blood drips from my hand. "Don't move Wyck," I tell him and I can see the tears begin to spill from his eyes "I'm sorry (Y/n)," he tells me, as he grabs the machete still in my hand. My knife barely presses against his neck as he does, and then he swings it at me. I yelp in pain at the feeling that surges through me as it comes in contact with my shin. 

"(Y/n)!" I hear Gally's voice shout "Stay back Gally!" I tell him as Wyck jumps at me again and I jump back and fight the pain in my shin. I stab his shoulder with my knife and he screams but swings the machete again. I feel the contact on my back and I hiss again in pain, I feel a strong arm around my waist and pull me away from Wyck. I see Gally kick Wyck across the face, and then move to step on his wrist. Wyck hisses in pain until finally releasing his hold on the machete, and I hurry to grab it despite the pain in my back. 

I do my glader call and boys hurry to my aid, "help Gally, get Wyck to the pits," I tell them, and Justin takes my arm over my shoulder. "You need to be checked out by the medjacks," Justin tells me as Gally and I lock eyes. "Go," Gally tells me and I nod lightly listening to someone else for a change.

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