Dead Head's Lake

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2 Years 7 Months -In the Glade-

"Gally, you're klunk for a keeper," I tell him and he furrows his brows "How can I be klunk at it if I'm the only builder?" he asks "That's how, you've had six greenies come and go and you've deemed each one not good enough to be one of your builders," I tell him and he shrugs "I liked Minho, but you and Alby made him a runner," he corrects and I roll my eyes. "What was wrong with Jeff?" I ask and he barks out a laugh. "He's way too gentle to be a builder, you should have seen him hammer down the nails," Gally retorts and I nod knowing Jeff's with Clint as our second medjack.

"No one's perfect Gal, you may have to train 'em up a little," I tell him and Gally grumbles at the thought. "I prefer you helping me to one of the greenies, you're about the only one with any brains," he tells me and I shrug feeling a weird sense of pride well up in me at his words. "No excuse Gally, try harder with the next greenie. He might surprise you," I tell him and Gally rolls his eyes. "I doubt that," he says and we're pulled out of our conversation by the box alarm ringing through the glade.

"Let's greet the Greenie Gal," I tell him as I jog off towards the box Gally close behind me. I lift the grate over the box off with Gally to see a boy with dirty blonde hair and bold brown eyes. I jump down "Come on greenie," I call to him and the boy stands hesitant, I'm quick to kneel offering my hands as a launching point out of the box. He's slow to move but once his foot is in the hold, I'm quick to toss him out. I can hear the boys poking at the greenie from above, many forgetting about me in the box.

"Need help out?" Gally asks sticking his hand down and I feel a blush creep up my neck, but I shake my head. "I gotta get the supplies," I tell him jeering a thumb towards the boxes and crates, Gally jumps down "Let's get started then," he says going to grab a box. I stare at him for a second before moving to do the same. "You gonna come to the bonfire tonight?" Gally asks me as we lift a partially heavy crate "Nope, I don't do bonfires," I tell him and he looks almost upset at the fact. "What are you going to do instead?" he continues to question me.

"I go to Dead Head's lake during bonfires," I tell him and he nods "I'm sure it's more peaceful than all the screaming guys," he tells me and I smirk "Definitely is," I tell him as I remember the bonfires I'd attended. "That's the last one, thanks for the help Gal," I tell him as the crates finally out, "Yeah, don't mention it," he tells me as I pull myself out of the box. I can see Alby with the Greenie on top of the tower. Alby's signature spot to take the greenies, this greenie looked terrified of the world around him and I pitied him. We all remember our first days in the glade, they're terrifying.

The rest of my day before the bonfire begins is filled with doing inventory, inventory, inventory. When I hear Alby doing his glader call I let a smile sneak its way onto my features, finally. I hurry to my room in the homestead and change into my tank top and shorts, I grab my towel and notebook and run to Dead Heads Lake. It's more of a pond, but it's the best part of the glade for me. As I get closer to the water, I'm already pulling off my shoes, and then I'm running full speed ahead. When I dive into the water everything disappears, no memory of the glade is somehow terrifying and peaceful for me. 

When I come back up to the surface I look straight up at the leaves and limbs that block the sky, and I can't help but smile brightly. "So you do smile," I hear a familiar voice call out and I quickly move to see Gally standing a safe distance away from the water. I let out a light laugh "Against popular belief, I do," I tell him as I swim closer to the shore. "What are you doing here Gal?" I ask him and he shrugs "I wanted to see what was so great about it," he tells me before he sits on the ground and looks up at the trees. "I get it," he tells me and I look up too, "I heard you have nightmares too," he tells me not looking away from the dark green leaves above us.

I stiffen in the water a little and curse Alby in my head. "Don't we all," I respond as I move away from Gally a little attempting to get some distance. "How do you sleep?" he asks and I debate telling him for a second as the words from my first notebook cross my mind. '(Y/n) I love you- Gally' "I have a notebook, I have a few. When you write them down, they lose some of their power," I tell him and he nods. "Are you gonna come in?" I ask him seeing him still sitting on the ground staring up at the trees.

"I don't like the water," he tells me and I have to bite back a scoff "You followed me out to Dead Heads Lake and you don't like to swim. You're one of a kind Gal," I tell him as I move to float on top of the water. I can hear him laugh a little though "So are you (n/n)."

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