Chapter 2

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"Teacher, thank you so much. Thank to you, our Jihyun's mock exam results have gone straight up. We'll continue to be in your care."

Lisa was a very popular private tutor in the neighborhood. She had tutored as a part-time job back in college, but it was a perfect match for her temperament.

She had worked in an office at one point, but getting to work at the same time everyday and meeting the same people at the same location was terribly stifling.

So when she gave up her monthly wages and began working as a private tutor in full swing, she felt like she could finally breathe again.

Every day, she'd enjoy meeting a different student and a different parent and talk about different subjects. Whenever a student's score or grade would go up, the resulting sense of accomplishment was like a drug.

"Not at all. Jihyun was the one who did all the studying. I was merely a helper."

"Exactly. This kid could barely sit still at a desk, so this is something to be grateful for. What's your secret? You can just whisper it into my ear."

As the parent whispered her request, Lisa pretended to hesitate before chuckling as she waved her hand.

"I can't tell you. It's my business secret."

"Jeez, you sure know how to tease a person. Ah, that's right. Here. It's what I promised you last time, so don't feel intimidated and just take it."

The woman held out a white envelope.

She had promised Lisa that if Jihyun had successfully passed a specific score, she'd give her a bonus. Lisa did not decline her offer and politely took it.

"Aigoo, you really didn't have to do this... I'll gratefully receive it."

"Please continue to take care of our Jihyun until she goes to college."

"Of course. Don't worry. It's because Jihyun hasn't done it until recently. Once she does it, she'll do it well. She's naturally smart, so she's great at studying. She knows how to apply the things she's learned. As a tutor, I have great expectations of her."

Bonus! This sweet, sweet bonus that was the fruit of her labor! Thanks to the bonus warming up her heart, Lisa's footsteps were light as she walked home.

Because she had to match her students' schedules, Lisa usually returned home late.

She finished work at a time when everyone usually got ready to end their day. However, because she got home so late at night, no one could nag her about waking up late in the morning. She liked that a lot.


Just as she was about to enter the apartment building, she saw a familiar sedan parking in an empty spot. As the red tail lights turned off, Lisa watched as the driver got out of the car. Her hands went up to her mouth in shock.

'A uniform!'

More specifically, it was Jeon Jungkook in a uniform.

It was very different from how he looked whenever he came over to her family's home. He usually looked unemployed. Lisa had seen him in his uniform in public a few times, and every time she saw him like this, she felt like she was seeing a stranger.

His neatly swept hair. His clean, crisp shirt and immaculate jacket. The winged emblem on his left chest and the three golden ropes on his sleeves. Especially the epaulets on his shoulders that seemed to emphasize their broadness. That part drove Lisa particularly insane.

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