Chapter 8

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The scent of the cold that still clung to him wafted up her nose. She could smell his scent that made her dazed. Lisa rolled her eyes to the sides and did her best to return to her senses.
"How did you... Are you meeting someone here?"

The cafe was full of people. He wasn't dressed like an unemployed bum like he usually was, and it didn't look like he had just gotten back from work because he wasn't in his uniform. Jungkook looked like a man who had paid some attention to his appearance for a date. His eyes crinkled into a smile.

"I was just passing by and thought I'd stop by for a cup of coffee."

Although the cafe wasn't too far from their apartments, this wasn't a place he would frequent.

'Why would he pass through here so unexpectedly?' The question flashed through her mind, but it never left her lips. She merely believed that he must have some business that brought him here and didn't think much more of it.

Many eyes continued to focus on Lisa  and Jungkook. Among them, the hottest gaze came from the person right next to them.

KyuHyung was chewing on his straw. He forced his lips to smile as he asked.

"Who are you?"

Remembering that KyuHyung was here, Lisa quickly pushed Jungkook's shoulder. Jungkook pulled out the chair next to Daon and sat down as if the seat had belonged to him all along.

"There aren't any seats available. I can sit here, right?"

He asked after sitting down. Although his behavior was out of order, Lisa and KyuHyung could not comment on it. This was because Jungkook was giving off a very high-handed aura.

Jungkook glanced at the textbook in front of KyuHyung and snorted.

"It's completely empty."

He said this after looking at the page full of problems, but KyuHyung took it differently. Jungkook was saying that his head was completely empty.

His inferiority complex had twisted the words in his head. KyuHyung narrowed his eyes and glared at the rude man.

"I asked you who you were."

Lisa hurriedly opened her mouth to reply.

"Ah, this person here is my Oppa—!"


However, the rude man was one step ahead. He cut Lisa off and grinned.

Unable to endure it any longer, KyuHyung glared at him.

"'My Oppa'? Are you Teacher's brother? That's a lie. You two don't look alike at all."

"Of course we don't"

Jungkook took out his wallet from his coat pocket. He pulled out his credit card and held it between two fingers. When he saw this, KyuHyung sneered.

"Because I'm not Lisa's brother."

"Then who...!"

"Lisa, I haven't eaten dinner yet. Can you buy me a cup of coffee? I'll watch over his studies while you're gone."

"Who are you to watch over my studies, Ahjussi? You're really a funny guy, aren't you?"

When Jungkook unexpectedly handed her his card, Lisa looked back and forth between Jungkook and KyuHyung. She hesitated for a moment before she checked the time. It was exactly nine o'clock.

"KyuHyung, today's session is over, so I think we should call it a day. Answer the problems you didn't finish today for our next session."

"I don't want to."

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