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In the end, the two of them decided to go to London for their trip together. Although Jungkook had probably been there numerous times during his flights, this was Lisa's first time in Europe, so she was incredibly excited.

The magnificent buildings still held traces of its history. The high steeples showed off their splendor.

They used a pickup service to get to their hotel, and Jungkook handed a few bills to the driver. He took Lisa's carry-on and his own bag with one hand and walked across the lobby. Lisa tightly held on to Jungkook's other hand and followed after him with short, quick steps.

Lisa tuck by his side like gum as he checked in at the front desk. She looked around in awe.

People came in and out of the hotel, their faces full of excitement for the Christmas season. Affected by the excitement in the air, Lisa couldn't help but shake her shoulders with anticipation.

"Is it that exciting?"

Jungkook aised a brow as he asked. Lisa hugged his arm closer to her chest and nodded.

Once they confirmed their reservation, the employee grinned and said something regarding their check-in. It was a different accent than the American English she was used to.

Lisa perked her ears and did her best to listen. The employee was explaining the room they were staying at and confirmed their deposit. Then he asked them for a credit card and their passports.

Although it wasn't difficult to understand, her mouth wouldn't move. This was because of the way she taught her students. She did teach them, but she wasn't as comfortable with English as the other subjects. Therefore, when she taught them, she crammed the information. The consequences of such a teaching method reared its ugly head in situations like these.

On the other hand, Jungkook handed the employee their passports and his credit card as he replied with ease. Lisa listened a little more and found out that they were able to get a room on a higher floor. But rather than focusing on that piece of information, she was more interested in listening to Jungkook's voice as he spoke in English.

She had met people whose voices changed when they spoke in English before. Jungkook's voice turned an octave deeper and sounded much heavier. It was relaxed and easygoing, but it also sounded graceful. When she heard his precise pronunciation, she covered her lips.

'He's so cool...'

The words remained inside her mouth due to her fear of coming off as a dork. Her feet tickled due to the fact that this perfect man was all hers. Where did this lump of luck roll in from?

When she uploaded her photo with Jungkook as her profile picture, the messages began rolling in. Messages of congratulations mixed with envy, questions regarding how she'd met him and whether he had any friends she could introduce to them... They kept flooding her phone.

One of them was from Jin.

[You're acting like a lovestruck fool.]

The nasty message was next to a profile picture of Jin and SoYoung's smiling faces stuck together, cheek to cheek.

[Look who's talking.]

Lisa snorted as she sent the curt reply.

Jungkook inished checking in and received their key cards. He turned to Lisa and entwined his fingers with hers.

"Let's head up."

It felt like they were on their honeymoon. Her footsteps were light as they entered the elevator. Just the thought that they were alone in an unfamiliar place was so exhilarating.

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