Extra 4

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Nude Apron

A bead of snot dripped out of Bom's nostril as she squirmed in her sleep.

Although she had cried herself to sleep, it looked like she had fallen deeply asleep due to exhaustion.

Lisa gently stroked her finger along her angelic, sleeping baby's cheek.

Bom had gotten her long eyelashes and her round, large eyes from Lisa.

Although she was still a baby, she had inherited her sharp nose from Jungkook.

Whenever she smiled, her lips stretched into a lovely shape. Lisa didn't know who she'd gotten her smile from, but it was the most beautiful thing in the world.

Even though she saw her everyday, Lisa was still fascinated. To think that Jeon Jungkook and Lalisa Bruschweiler's DNA had come together to create life... She felt all warm and fuzzy in her heart, but it also painfully twisted inside her chest. Is this what a mother's love was?

"Don't be sick, Bom."

There was only one thing she wished for. Don't be sick and grow up healthy. Grow up as bright as the sunshine, just like you're doing now. Don't be sick, and don't be hurt. Mommy will go through it all in your stead.

Lisa carefully peeled off the hair that was stuck to Bom's forehead and swept it back. She patted Bom's chest as it rose and fell with her even breaths.

Lisa rubbed her stinging eyes and quietly left the room so that Bom wouldn't wake up.

Once Bom was asleep, Lisa and Jungkook shared some alone time. Sometimes, they'd eat some of the snacks Jungkook had prepared and watch a movie from the sofa. They'd also talk about their days. It was a time for them to relax after a long day of taking care of a baby.

What's today's snack menu? Lisa hummed a tune as she walked into the kitchen.


She caught her breath. She was rooted to the spot as she stared at Jeon Jungkook's back.

'Maybe I'm seeing things...'

She rubbed her eyes with her sleeves and raised her head to take another look.

Jeon Jungkook was stark naked and was only wearing an apron that covered his front. Underneath his broad shoulders, his firm chest was slightly exposed. Every time Jungkook picked up the pan by its handle and shook it, his muscles moved as if they were alive.

As Lisa's eyes followed his spine and traveled down, she saw the bright red ribbon tied around his muscled hips and bottom. The ribbon swayed from side to side on top of Jungkook's firm bottom, tempting Lisa.

Unlike her soft behind, Jungkook's was toned. Whenever she poked it with her finger, it was like poking a boulder. Then his thick thighs underneath caught her eye. Whenever he reached for various spices, the thick muscles of his thighs moved.

To think that the feeling that overcame her sudden surge of maternal love was lust... Was this really okay?

"Je-Jeon Jungkook..."

Lisa's voice trembled. Half of her wanted to run over to him immediately and hug him, but the other half wanted to quickly grab her phone and take a picture. She knew that if she did not properly capture this moment, she'd never be able to see it again.

"Do you want me to strike a pose?"

Unlike his calm, steady voice, the tips of Jungkook's ears were bright red. He awkwardly drew in a breath and rubbed his warm ears with his hands.

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