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Wedding Invitation

She realized it after the wedding invitations were ready to be sent out. Lalisa had many to give out, but Jeon Jungkook had very little.

Whenever Lisa had time, she'd write out the addresses on the envelopes and group them into different classifications before bundling them up with a rubber band.

"These are for college friends. These are for high school friends. Middle school. These are for elementary school..."

On the other hand, Jungkook had already mailed out his invites. The only ones he invited were colleagues he often saw for work.

The only long-term relationships in Jungkook's life were those he had with the Bruschweiler siblings. But Lalisa Bruschweiler had so many around her. When he realized this, Jungkook grew irritated.

"Why are you inviting friends from elementary school?"

"Ah, that's right. I should send Jennie and Yurim's invitations out separately."

"Since when have you been friends with them?"

"You just said it yourself. I've been friends with them since elementary school."

Even if she had lived in the same neighborhood all these years, he never expected her to still be on friendly terms with her elementary school friends. He didn't understand it, but all he could do was silently stew in his own jealousy.

But the real problem wasn't the wedding invitations. The problem was that Lalisa was always going out to deliver these invitations. They didn't spend enough time together, but she was choosing to go out and meet friends instead? Jungkook couldn't help but feel upset.

This all came to a head on the day Lisa was to meet her college classmates. Jungkook grabbed his car keys and accompanied her.

* * *

In the middle of the restaurant, the crowd seated at the longest table looked like a class reunion. As soon as they entered the restaurant, there was a burst of greetings and shouts. Jungkook felt like he'd made a mistake by coming here, but it was too late to turn back.

"Did you know that Lisa was the class rep?"

He had no idea. Jungkook merely asked 'Really?' in a calm voice, but tens of voices spoke up to answer him.

"This tiny kid used to run around as if flames were licking at her heels. She looked quite pitiful."

"The reason why her grades weren't that great was because she had sold her soul to set up the class activities."

"And the professors drowned us in work but claimed they were doing it because they were doting on us. Those wicked oldies!"

"That's why Lisa ended up graduating without going on those group dates."

That was good news to Jungkook, but he still felt like he was being suffocated by their youthful vigor. Jungkook unconsciously sought Lisa's hand underneath the table and held it tight. He rubbed the soft skin between her thumb and forefinger to find some relief.

Lisa turned her head and gazed at Jungkook's complexion. She had been concerned about him from the very start. She knew he hated being in unfamiliar places surrounded by unfamiliar people.

"You're okay, right?"

When he heard her worried voice, Jungkook gave her a faint smile and whispered into her ear.

"Why wouldn't I be okay? I'm here to meet your friends."

"That's a relief, but why are your hands so damp..."

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