Chapter 12

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Jin was the self-proclaimed 'best driver'. Starting today, Lisa decided to rip off that title he was so proud of. Just what was he thinking when he drove today? Because he screeched to a stop multiple times, Lisa felt like she was going to be sick. As soon as Jin parked in his parking spot, Lisa quickly burst out of the car and escaped the passenger seat.

"From now on, you're not allowed to drive for three months. Leave your car keys with SoYoung-unnie."

"It's because of today's bad weather."

"Looks like the weather's out to kill people."

"And I'm not feeling too good today."

"Then from now on, you're only allowed to drive when the weather's nice and you're feeling good enough to drive."

"And I think the food we ate earlier isn't sitting well with me..."
Jincontinued to make excuses for his driving today. Lisa decided to get her driver's license as soon as possible.

As soon as they got home, Lisa washed up and flopped onto the sofa. She took the remote and began to flip through channels on the TV. Although it was a weekend evening, there wasn't anything good on. Jin finished washing up and followed Lisa to the living room. He snatched the remote from her hand.

"I need to watch baseball."

"Just watch a zombie movie instead."

"Why would I when there's a zombie right in front of me?"

As Jin pushed himself onto the sofa, Lisa used all her might to push him away with her toes. Instead, Lisa was pushed back and found herself lying on the floor. Seeing this, Jin began to snicker. Lisa looked up at him in disbelief.

"...You must be happy."

"What are you talking about, you zombie."

"Do you like SoYoung-unnie that much?"

"Why are you bringing SoYoung into this?"

"Just 'cause. I'm envious."

Lisa took a cushion and hugged it tightly to her chest as she turned her back to him. She wished Jin oppa would hurry up and get married so that he would leave the house sooner.

"I was at my happiest when you were away for your military service..."

"Hey, you shouldn't say things like that."

Lisa dazedly stared at the TV screen. Jeon Jungkook's face began to fill her head. What was Jeon Jungkook like during his military service? What kind of people did he hang out with when he was in the United States? Back then, she'd never see his face, and she'd been perfectly fine. So why was her heart so impatient just because she hadn't seen him for a few days?

Lisa furtively turned her head and glanced back at Jin. Jin was completely immersed in the baseball game and was getting worked up.


"Don't talk to me."

"Why hasn't Jungkook-oppa come over lately?"

Jin's eyes suddenly turned to Lisa. He quietly stared at Lisa with a strange look on his face as he slowly opened his mouth.

"Why do you want to know?"

Because he'd been so focused on the baseball game, she thought he'd give a simple answer. A chill ran down her spine. She didn't know why he was sensitive to these nuances now of all times.

"No, I'm just wondering. It's been a while since I last saw him."

Jin's brows went up as he asked back.

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