Extra 2

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Even a slight movement caused the water to splash out of the tub. If Lisa was alone, she'd be able to comfortably stretch out both of her legs.

However, Jungkook's  large body was hugging her from behind, so the usually spacious tub felt a bit small.

She wasn't sure how she got here, but she was now sitting between Jungkook's legs with her back against his chest. Her body languidly leaned against him.

Lisa turned her head and looked up. Jungkook swept his hair back with one sweep of his hand. He looked down and saw that Lisa was looking up at him. A drop of water dripped down from his chin and splashed into the bathwater.

"Did you have fun meeting your college friends?"

His voice echoed inside the bathroom. His hands slowly crept up around her hips and squeezed her breasts.

He grasped her plump flesh and moved his hands around. Whenever her nipples brushed against his fingers, Lisa flinched.
"It's been a while, so it was... fun."

Displeased with her answer, his teasing hands grew even more persistent. His thumb and forefinger began to rub her nipple.

When she felt her lower abdomen grow warm, her shoulders flinched. Jungkook pressed his lips against her temple and murmured.

"More than being with me like this?"

"Doing this with you and being with my friends... are completely different categories."

"It's different?"

Jungkook frowned. He lifted Lisa and turned her around so that they were face to face.

He put his arms underneath her bottom and brought her glistening breasts up to his eyes. He then proceeded to bury his face into her cleavage.

He pressed his sharp nose against her soft skin and spoke as if he were very upset.

"To me, you're my friend, my family, and the woman I love. Is it different for you?"

"No, that's not what I..."

Lisa stopped mid-sentence and closed her mouth. She thought about what she should say and carefully rubbed circles on the reddened shells of his ears.

Sometimes, whenever she went out to hang out with friends alone before coming home, Jungkook would throw a tantrum that didn't seem to suit someone like him.

Today, they had gone together, so she thought it would be okay. However, something else seemed to be bothering him.

It wasn't difficult to see what kind of answer Jungkook wanted from her. Because her truth was the same as his.

"No, it's the same. That's who you are to me, too, Oppa. You're my friend, my darling, and my husband. I'm happiest when I'm with you."

Jungkook pulled his face out. He drew his teeth from behind his lips and began to gently nibble her breast. After making two red marks on her skin, he began to roll her nipple around between his lips.


"I'm telling the truth, though."

"I don't believe you."

"What do I need to do for you to believe me? Do I need to go through your phone when you're asleep, ask you about everything you do, call you every moment we're apart, and be obsessed with you? Will you believe me then?"

Jungkook looked startled. This was everything he was doing already. But what was so wrong about that? Wasn't it only natural for him to want to know everything about the person he loved?

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