Chapter 10

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Suddenly, something began to vibrate in her pants pocket. Lisa glared at Jungkook as she pull out her phone. It was a call from Jin. Lisa's eyes widened as they went to the bag of ramen kicked to the corner.

"Ah, that's right. The ramen..."

As soon as Lisa accepted the call and brought the phone to her ear, a fierce shout barked out of the receiver.

— Lalisa Bruschweiler! Where are you?

The shout startled her, and she almost dropped her phone. After checking to see if her eardrum was okay, Lisa brought the phone back to her ear.

"I stopped by somewhere."

— This late? You went out to buy ramen, so why aren't you back yet?

"Something came up. It's none of your business."

— It's none of my business? The water for my ramen has almost completely boiled away!

Lisa racked her brain to find another response for Jin. However, Jungkook impatiently pressed his lips against hers as he looked down at her. He began to squeeze her shoulder with his large hand and whispered in a quiet voice.

"Are you going to leave?"

Hmm, what should she do? She began to tap her fingers against his chest as if she were playing a piano.

Jungkook placed his hand on top of Lisa's. Then he lowered his head and pressed a kiss onto Lisa's flushed cheek.

"Don't go."


Lisa made an exaggerated gesture and pretended to think harder. Lisa wiggled her brows and asked him a question with her eyes. Seeing this, Jungkook burst into quiet laughter.

"I'll do everything you want, so don't go."
A bright grin formed on Lisa's lips.

"I'm staying over at a friend's place today. Bye."

— Hey, hey, Lalisa! Why is everyone doing this to me today...!

Jungkook took the phone out of Lisa's hand and ended the call before placing it down on the table. He pulled Lisa's hips and stuck their lower bodies together. He nibbled on the shell of her ear as he spoke in a fierce tone.

"Lalisa-ssi. Do you know how long I've waited for this moment?"

When Jungkook's behavior suddenly flipped, Lisa's mouth opened in shock. Jungkook grabbed and pulled at Lisa's baggy t-shirt.

When he did this, the outline of her ample breasts and her abdomen was revealed. His voice sounded insidious and hard. He perfectly fulfilled the captain's role of her imagination.

Lisa did her best to keep her lips from forming a smile and threw herself into the script she had written out in her head.

"C-Captain... What do you think you're doing? Please back off for a little bit...!"

"Back off? That's funny. Who's the one who shook her hips and wagged her tail whenever she was in front of me?"

Jungkook's ands slipped inside her t-shirt and began to grope along her bare skin. When she felt his cool fingers slide down her hips and rub her abdomen, Lisa caught her breath.

"I asked you a question. Who was it?"

Jungkook ainfully squeezed her breasts through her bra.

Lisa frowned and wrapped both of her hands around his wrist.

"Captain... What if someone sees..."

"Who? Are you talking about that crew member who's always sticking close to you?"

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