chapter fifteen

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Loki was getting more impatient, waiting on them all discussing the possible locations. He could feel she was in deep trouble.

"Loki, come home. Aria is here. With Villi. We are in the cells. She is coming to find you, and kill you both"

Loki quickly looked over at Thor.

"Thor, we need to go. NOW" He rushed out.

"What? Why?"

"she isnt here. Shes up in Asgard. Mother just.. Look, trust me, we need to go" Loki panicked.

Thor saw the truth, he quickly headed out the compound, without explaining to the team. When they stepped outside the Bifrost appeared immediately.

There feet landed in the dome, met with Heimdall looking at them.

"Arias here, under Villi's damn spell. She's dangerous" Heimdall rushed out.

"My parents?" Thor panicked.

"The cells. I cant get a location on Aria. She's under his magic. I only know when she uses her own magic. Loki, I think you might be the only one who will be able to get through to her"

"Where was she last?" Loki asked.

"The throne room"

"Well start there, but be ready in case we need a fast exit"

"I can cause the distraction, keep Villi busy" Thor suggested.

Loki nodded in agreement.

They got to the palace doors, realising the place was too quiet. They were both on edge, not knowing where anyone was.

Loki walked towards the banqueting hall, pausing briefly. He could feel she was close. About to say this to Thor.

"MOVE" he shouted to him, then ducked.

Aria had been waiting behind one of the pillars in the hall. She stepped out swinging her sword, it collided with the pillar. Thor quickly stepped forward with his own sword, knowing that Loki would be no match for her.

She swung again, this time, he got in between her and Loki, stopping her from getting to him. Loki stepped back, away from them both.

"You dont have to do this Aria" Thor said, as he twirled his own sword in his hand.

"Says who?" She smiled, then swung again.

Swords clashed back and forth, now fighting in the banqueting hall, over the top of the tables, behind them, causing everything to crash and smash to the floor Loki had gone in with them, knowing Thor wasnt trying his hardest. That he didnt want to hurt Aria.

Eventually, Thor did manage to disarm her, causing her sword to land on the other side. Loki quickly run over and picked it up, joining his brother in front of Aria.

"Aria, please. Listen to me. This isnt you. Youre under a spell" Loki pleaded.

She paused for a second, before her eyes turned purple, using her powers on them both, sending them both backwards. They slammed into a wall. As she then picked up there swords with her magic and throwing them out of there reach. Before binding them both in ropes, making them sit up onto there knees.

"Aria. Please" Loki begged.

Her eyes darted to his, then to Thor, snaking the ropes around there necks.

"You can watch your brother die first She sneered, as she began to tighten the rope, causing Thor to gasp, as he tried to breathe.


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