chapter sixteen

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Steve was pacing the floor, worried about Aria. It had been days since Thor and Loki had left. Without a word on what had happened.

When he heard the sound of the Bifrost outside. He didnt dare to hope it would be news and if so, a sinking feeling it was bad, started to creep in.

The door opened, Steve looked up, finding Aria there. She was wearing a black and purple outfit, and her long black hair was hanging loose.

Aria Steve breathed.

"Hey Steve" She said, but not getting closer.

Steve crossed the room, stopping in front of her. It was strange, he knew if he reached out, he couldn't hold her. Causing his shoulders to sag.

"I'm dreaming" He stated.

"Yes. But that doesn't mean its not real" Steve She smiled.

"I don't understand"

Aria chuckled.

He loved the sound of her laughter.

"I just needed you to know, that everything is fine. I'm fine. Safe. And you can stop worrying about me"

"Aria, I need to know, did he kill you?" Steve asked, hoping it wasnt true.

She shook her head.

"Of course not. I came out of his spell, and Im home. Being looked after. Steve, Im sorry for everything. For the way its all turned out. Ill never forget you"

"Wait. No. Aria, please, dont do this"

"We both know it would never have worked out between us Steve. I just want you to know. Im happy"

Steve sighed, looking at his feet.

"I'm gonna miss you" He said.

"I won't be far Steve. Im sure we will see each other again soon"

A noise from behind caused Steve to look away, when he looked back, Aria was gone.

Steve quickly sat up in the bed, looking around his room. He knew she had used magic to let him know she was okay. That she wasnt coming back.

Aria lay down on her bed, in her new chambers. It took a lot of strength to get into Steve's head. But she was glad she had. Now she was living in the palace, not far from Loki.

Frigga had made sure she had all she needed. And that she was well cared for. Aria knew everyone would be talking about her. Questioning her loyalty.

When Aria woke up the following morning, she felt just as exhausted. She dressed, then quickly headed out before anyone else woke up, knowing Heimdall would be down at the dome.

When Aria returned, everyone had gathered in the hall for breakfast. Aria walked in, finding everyone stopping in mid-conversation, and staring over at her. She looked around the room, at the many shocked faces. As she slowly walked in.

"Wow, Aria, you look stunning" Loki thought.

Her eyes quickly found his, seated at the top table along with his parents.

"Aria, come and join us" Frigga said, as she stood up.

She walked through the vast hall, with the people watching her. Stopping at the table and bowed her head, before going around and taking her seat beside Loki. The room then began muttering and whispering.

"We were thinking about holding a party for your glorious return Aria" Frigga said quietly.

"My lady, you dont have to go to so much trouble. As I know, there are few people here that are not pleased to see my return"

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