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Aria stood in the kitchen, chopping up some garden herbs, watching as Loki was at the lake, with Athena and little Jack. They were fishing off the jetty. Things had changed a lot, both had adapted to life here on Midgard, but they both coped with the idea of never being back on Asgard.

Loki had travelled back to his visit his parents, to let them know Aria was safe and that the baby was healthy. Neither understood why Aria didn't want to return. But Loki did. Nobody would have believed that Sif had been working for Villi, they would have assumed Aria just held a grudge against her.

Thor had been to visit them, commenting how happy they both looked. But explained they were greatly missed. Aria smiled sweetly at her family, feeling happy and content that the threat was gone, that she and her children were safe.

She saw Jack pull out a fish, looking so excited.

She sighed.

Wondering what the next threat would be.

Because nothing stayed happy and content for long.

"Whatever the problem is my love, we will face it. Together" Loki thought, as he looked back at her, standing there.

"Always" Aria smiled.

The Asgardian Witch - Series (book 1 - 4)Where stories live. Discover now