Wide Awake (Larry Stylinson)

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http://www.fanfiction.net/u/3941498/IAmADirectioner Go check her out :D

Harry's POV:

It's early in the morning when I wake up. Its one of the VERY rare occasions I'm wearing a shirt and trousers to sleep. I don't know why I woke up, but, then again, I never do. Oh well. I stretch and sit up in bed.
Did I just hear that?
Maybe I'm just hearing thi- Bang.

I jump out of bed and run outside after grabbing an umbrella. Yes, an umbrella. What else? There's nothing else.
Its just our living room, with the fluffy rug on the floor, yesterday's bowl of popcorn on the table, our comfy sofa which Louis and I always playfully fight over - LOUIS.

I rush to his room. And stare. Its trashed. Totally and completely. The bed sheets are ripped and thrown on the floor, the chair toppled on its side. Everything on the table is on the floor. I suddenly remember why I'm here. I look around wildly for Louis. "LOUIS!" I scream. I'm suddenly terrified. "LOUIS!"
No response.
"Lou," I choke, "If this is a joke-"
"L-Louis - LOUIS!" Suddenly something bangs against the connected bathroom door. I stare at it.
I hear a cry of pain.
"LOUIS!" I shout, and yank the bathroom door open. The bathroom mirror is broken, and I can see drops of blood on the floor.
"Louiiisss..." I moan, panicking. Suddenly I hear a return moan.
I dart to the bathtub.
"Louis," I whisper in horror. He's right there. And he looks terrible.
He's in a crumpled heap on the floor of the tub. His hair is messed up crazily. He has cuts on his arms, one particularly close to his vein, and a deep-looking cut on his head.
"Louis? Lou, can you hear me? LOUIS. LOUIS!"
He stirs, whimpering.
"Ah," he whispers in pain. He holds his forehead. I jump in with him, and lift his head anxiously. There's another wound on the back of his neck thats dripping. Just like my tears. I don't know what to do, but I hold his head close to me, and stroke his hair miserably.
"It- it's fine, Louis, nothing happened..."
But I don't know what happened. Did Louis do this... himself?
No, ofcourse not...
But nobody's here...
I hear a loud banging noise. I realize the boys are here, but I desperately don't want to leave Louis. But they could help...
I anxiously put his head on the floor again. "I'm getting help," I whisper, and dart across the bathroom and outside. I realize my feet are bleeding, but it really isn't hurting.
BANG. BANG. BANG. Then "He isn't answering his phone!"
I reach the door, and as I fumble with the locks, I try to say something, but all that comes out is a giant sob.
"Harry? Harry? HARRY?"
The door opens, and the boys fall in.
"Louis," I gasp, and fall to the floor. I feel hands grip my arms, pulling me upright.
"His feet..." Zayn murmurs. "Where's Louis?"
"Harry, WHERE IS LOUIS?" Liam says. I jerk myself free and stumble to Louis's bathroom. I hear sharp intakes of breath when we enter Louis's room but I break into a run and, almost tripping onto my face in the bathroom, fall by Louis's side, sobbing uncontrollably. It's just... Lou looks... so... dead.

"Harry... when... Louis?"
"Can... me, Harry?"
"Louis... hopital... help..."
Thats all I can hear. I'm bending over Louis's chest, while he's barely awake, and losing blood.
"Louis... LOU... LOUIS... Lou, please..."
"L-Louis," I choke out. I shake him, scared. "Lou... Lou, please... LOUIS... Louis, please!" My voice cracks as I lean back to look at him properly, tears streaming down my cheeks.
Finally, the body I'm supporting shivers. I freeze.
"M-" I am still frozen.
"My head..." groans Louis.

"LOUIS." Liam says firmly. "Louis, WHAT HAPPENED?"
Louis finally opens his eyes. With another shaky sob, I lean forward and hug him. I kiss his cheek, feeling strange - overwhelmed with so much joy I can't feel it.
"Harry... why are you crying...?" he asks, a catch in his voice. "And why I am I...?"
I lean back, my body shaking from my tears. I see silent tears fallin down Niall's cheeks, and Zayn and Liam have unshed tears in their eyes. I'm the only one who broke.
Louis looks at his wrists. The cut closest to his vein is bleeding steadily, leaving a trail wrapping his wrist, dripping onto the floor of the bathtub. I cradle his head in my arms.
"Liam," I say shakily, "We need to help him."
Liam nods. "I know where the bandages are," Zayn reassures me, and as he does to get them, Niall climbs into the tub with me. He strokes Louis's hands.
"Lou," Niall says with scared look in his eyes, "Did you do this yourself?"

Louis looks around, at the mirror, at the floor, at me. Then he looks back at Niall, with tears forming in his eyes.
"I don't know." And a tear falls out of his eye. I stroke it away with my thumb. I'm so happy I can only smile weakly in releif.

Zayn returns with a first aid kit. Liam takes it - he IS Daddy direction - and I clamber out of the tub to give him room. I sit on the floor and lean against a wall. I feel a faint jab in my hands, and I look at them - they're bleeding. I remember the floor is covered in glass. I stand and fetch a towel, and sweep away the glass on the floor.
"Hey, Liam," Zayn says suddenly. "Harry needs some too."
I look at my hands and feet again. I can't feel it, so I shrug. "I'm ok," I say. But Zayn takes a bandage and some antiseptic anyway. "This might sting," he warned, and plunged into his work. Nothing stings. I suppose I should feel happy.
Louis flinches hard.
"Hey!" I shout, trying to see what happened.
"Sorry, sorry. Harry, he's got glass in his skin, I have to get it out."
I shut my eyes and lean back again. "Sorry," I murmur. I let Zayn continue bandaging me, only wincing when I heard Louis moan.
"Ok," Liam says at last. "He's done."
I get up weakly to look at my boo bear. Niall sits on the edge of the tub, and Zayn does too.

Lou looks sleepy, pale, and something else I cant quite place. "Hey, boo," I say softly, sitting next to him, stroking his hair. Unconsiously I realize we all have blood on our clothes.
"Hey, Haz," he says. Then he frowns. "Haz... why are you crying?"
I didn't realize it myself, and in surprise I brush my hands to my cheeks. They come back wet. I realize Liam is also crying. I grip Louis's hand.
"I don't know," I reply. "Lou... how do you feel?
Louis fidgets. "My injuries hurt. And I feel really, really tired."

I look up. "Will he need stitches?" I ask nobody. Niall and Liam exchange glances. "Maybe, so we're going to the hospital."
"Like... this?" Zayn asks. We all do look a bit unpresentable. "Yes," I say fiercely. I look down at Louis, who looks tired, so tired. "The quicker, the better."
Liam shrugs. "The car is waiting, anyway. Let's go."
"But how do we get Lou up?" asks Niall.
"I-I can stand, " Louis says. He sits up - with a lot of help from me. He clutches his head suddenly, and I grab his shoulders to prevent him from falling.
"I feel dizzy..." he whispers. "I think he fell," I say. Suddenly someone bangs in. Paul. He stares at us in shock.

"Help Louis. We have to get to the hospital," Liam says anxiously. Paul immediately takes action and scoops Louis up in his arms. Zayn looks at me.
"Harry, can you walk?" "Maybe." But I can't. So Niall and Zayn both wrap arms around my waist while I cling to their shoulders. My hands and feet suddenly sting badly.

Outside, paparazzi waits for us. None of us are in the mood. Not even Liam, who almost always has time for our fans. I hear dozens of camera shots, and paparazzi screaming for us. I don't care.
We all slide into the car, and Louis is too. His head rests in the crook of my neck.
"Boo, how do you feel?" I whisper. He doesn't respond for a minute.
"Dizzy. But better."
"Go to sleep, Lou." Niall says soothingly. I stroke his hair.
"OK..." Louis mutters, and soon his head is lolling limply in my neck. I hold his chin so it doesn't fall.

"Harry, you can sleep too." Liam adds. I shake my head. I'm too wired to sleep.
But slowly, slowly, I'm dropping off... then I let go and fall asleep.




http://www.fanfiction.net/u/3941498/IAmADirectioner Go check her out :D

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