Chapter 13

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I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY! ALL RIGHT GOES TO *IamADirectioner* Go check her out :D


Louis Pov.

I knew Harry and Zayn had wanted to talk. It had been written all over Harry's face. Frankly, Zayn is not good at hiding his thoughts. Usually, I love that about him. Infact, I still do. But if they had wanted to talk, they could've told me. I wouldn't have minded. Why they felt the need to lie to me brought up suspicions. I'm guessing they wanted to talk about me.

Niall is lying next to me on the bed, snoring gently. I turned the TV off ten minutes ago. It's almost ten o'clock, and I don't really feel like facing Harry again. I don't feel up to hiding right now.

If you hadn't already guessed, I had a nightmare - AGAIN. When I was having my power-nap.

It was... it was just...

I think back to the dream.

I am lying down on cool, dark earth, on my back. I look up at the night sky.

The stars. They were so bright. So twinkly. Beacons of hope, amongst the dark sky...

One by one, they dissapeared.

The sky changed color, from a deep, dark blue, to a murky, faded purple, to a brilliant, blood red.

I try to sit up in alarm, but hands grab my limbs, pulling me down into the cold soil, down, down, down...

It's all your fault, Louis, voices - voices that I know all too well - rasp. All your fault... you will pay...

Deeper, deeper. Darker, darker. I can't breathe.

I flail about madly, trying to free myself from their grasps. I open my mouth to apologize, to beg forgiveness, but clods of earth fill my mouth, and I choke, gasping for air. I struggle as hard as I can, and I fall out of the soil into a dark, dark pit, still in the grasps of my torturerers... my best friends.

I gasp and spit out the mud, coughing and spluttering, and I keep fighting. I'm frightened, out of my life, and I don't know why they want to kill me... but they do.

Then I see... HIM. With glowing, blood-red eyes, like the sky.

And... I'm dying.

But suddenly, feather light kisses are falling down my head soothingly, running through my mind like fireworks. I feel like aia'm having deja vu. The new pair of arms around me... the touch of the lips on me...

Those same lips come down my neck, and I can't help but shiver. Liam, Zayn, Louis and Niall look at me viciously, their eyes soulless and angry, their bones prominent in their angular faces. I barely notice Zayn's head is twisted at an impossible angle. I keep flailing about crazily. I need to GET AWAY.

But then... I feel warm breath on my neck as someone cuddles underneath my neck. I feel hair brushing my chin, and it reminds me so much off...


I'm dreaming, aren't I?

Yes, Louis, a beautiful, angelic voice says. Come back.

My body is rising, slowly, the vicious shadows still clutching at me. I fight for freedom.

I'm sorry, I tell them silently, and I give my body one last violent shake. They fall.

I'm rising faster now, in the arms of...

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