Chapter 39

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I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY! ALL RIGHT GOES TO *IamADirectioner* Go check her out :D


Harry's POV:

I'd love to tell you that everything went swell from there onwards.
That the sleeping pills stopped the the nightmares, that he slept after that, that he - I don't know, bumped his head on a bookshelf and suddenly conked out, waking up and realizing that the nightmares were gone, and that we were released from the binds of Louis's subconscious.

I'd love to tell you that.

But, to tell the truth, things started rolling a bit downhill. Not a giant plunge of a cliff, but maybe the top of a little hill in the park, one where the small ball that's about to roll will first roll slowly, then faster, then faster then faster and it'll find it's way to the road, where it'll get squashed by a tire, and though it'll leave a mark, nobody except for one person will know how it felt to actually destroy it (by running it over).
That one person seems to be turning out to be me.

Oh, the sleeping pills worked the first night. He slept throughout the whole night, then (despite management's annoyance) until 4'oclock in the afternoon. Louis seemed rather befuddled about it, while the rest of us were relieved beyond belief. He FINALLY slept a full night, no nightmares, no nothing. I had tackled Louis into a massive hug, which he tried returning, but didn't do so well as he was still pretty sleepy.

They worked the second night too.
The third night as well.
The fourth night as well.
The fifth and sixth night as well.

The seventh night was... fishy. Louis looked a bit pale in the morning, and said he felt unrested. We all got a little worried then, but Liam cooled us down and sent us off for tour practice. There was no point in worrying ourselves sick over something which could be nothing, he claimed.

It wasn't nothing.
The next night, his nightmares started again. Not so violent or terrifying the first two nights... but then they just went back to before - BAD.

We took a trip to Dr. Henry's and explained the situation to him.
How do you feel? he had asked. How do you feel about this situation? What feeling comes to you when we talk about this?

Louis had concentrated, then finally answered;
A lot of things, I think. Regret. Fear, especially. Pain. There's also something like guilt... like I've done something wrong, like I'm doing something wrong, that I'm hiding something. There's other stuff, but I really don't know what they are.

All we recieved?
A weary sigh from the lovely (sarcasm) doctor, a warning for Louis to keep an eye out for guilt-causing thingies or whatever, and an order to stop the pills.

I was feeling not so happy when we learned that.
Actually, when we had come back to the apartment, I promptly threw myself on to the couch and screamed in to a pillow.

"Oh, well," Louis said glumly, and rubbed my back in sympathy.

"I hate him," I said in to the pillow, to which he solemnly replied;

And the lads have just arrived so we can debate on this situation.

"Alright, boys," Niall says seriously. "How are we sleeping tonight?"

"We... tie Louis to the mattress," Zayn declares.

"Er, no," Louis shoots back promptly. "I hate ropes."

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