Chapter 41

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Sooo This is dedecated to the loveley @CarolynBouchard6

And thanks for all the comments and votes!

U guys are amazing<3


Louis Pov.

What with the TMH tour rehearsals and nightmares and planning on the revelation of Larry Stylinson such, time passed quickly. One week and three days, to be exact.

But first - we need to talk to the management. Which is why we're here, at their office.
My fingers, which are clenched into fists, feel sweaty. Liam's tapping his foot rhythmically, waiting patiently. Niall and Zayn seem to be immersed in a thumb war, while Harry is just leaning back on the sofa, eyes closed, head lolling.

"I am so very tempted to tickle you right now, Harold," Niall comments, glancing away from his game. Zayn, taking advantage, traps Niall's thumb, but in two wriggles and a twist, Niall is free and back in action.

"And if you do, I will be so very tempted to kill you, Niall," Harry replies, opening one lazy eye to peer at Niall.

"Temptation's a witch," Niall sighs. Only he didn't say witch.

"Language, Niall," Harry says absently, and his eye closes again. Which makes me kinda sad, because I like his eyes, but also kinda happy, because I like his eyelashes, too.

"Oh, shut up, Haz," Niall groans, and seizes Zayn's thumb. Zayn wriggles his thumb in vain.

"C'mon, Zayn. C'mon..." Liam eggs him on, but Niall keeps him successfully pinned down for the countdown. Niall is triumphant.

Zayn pouts. "Two out of three?"

"You're on." They resume their match, Zayn this time darting artfully out of Niall's grip. Liam backs Zayn up enthusiastically.

How come you're all so calm? I ask them silently. How come you aren't panicking or freaking out or being scared or ANYTHING? Harry, why aren't you doing anything? Say something. Say something!

"The bosses are ready for you, boys," a petite attendant tells us.

My nails bite in to the skin of my sweaty palm, and we all stand, Zayn chewing his lip.

Niall, Liam and Zayn begin walking towards the office door, but I grab Harry's hand and tug him to the side.

"Hey, you oka - " That's as much as he can get out before I kiss him fiercely, tugging his hair lightly, making him sigh.

I soon pull out, and he grins down at me lopsidedly.

"I love you I love you I love you," I say quickly.
Niall wolf-whistles. I'm assuming the boys have stopped walking.

"What's with all the appreciation, all of a sudden?" Harry asks. "Not that I'm complaining. No, sir."

I almost laugh. "I just... Just in case. Just in case they suddenly hate us and send us to different countries for a month before we can say goodbye or anything and we never get to see each other again and if we do we'll be so different we won't recognize each other. So just in case."

"That's not going to happen," Harry says.

"And you know this, because...?" I ask, arching an eyebrow.

Harry frowns, considering.
"Ok, fine. Well, what the heck." And he tugs me back in to another kiss.

Another wolf-whistle from Niall.

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