Chapter 16

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I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY! ALL RIGHT GOES TO *IamADirectioner* Go check her out :D


Harry Pov

I turn restlessly in Louis's bed. It's been two days since Louis got back. He's been so much happier then he's been in months. I'm relieved. I missed the old Louis, the one who would start pillow fights in our suite in the middle of the night, the one who always had a joke, a way to make me smile. In the past few months, he had been more quiet, more tame. Our cuddles had become less frequent, our secret smirks rare, and his warm smile not often seen. Having the old Louis back must be affecting my sleeping. Or maybe, something that happened today is.

I sigh, exasperated. I just can't go to sleep. I get out of bed, slipping on my fluffy bunny slippers (The boys got them for me as a joke, but I do actually like them) careful to not disturb Louis, who fell asleep over two hours ago. The boys didn't stay tonight, though they did yesterday. They lingered until late at night, then went with cheerful goodbyes. They're also really happy we've got our Lou back.

I glide to the door, and slip outside. The room is lighted by a faint light coming from the curtains, which are dancing in the breeze. Stupid us. We forgot to close the window. We had all been outside, freexing our buns off, laughing and joking with hot cups of hot chocolate. It was January now, peak winter. I shiver, and quickly wrap a blanket left out on the couch around my shoulders. I shuffle along to the kitchen, and make myself a warm cup of vanilla-milk. I breathe in the wonderful smell as I shuffle back to the window, planning on closing it and watching some TV, but then I decide otherwise and stand next to the window.

I know I'm being totally idiotic, and that I'll probably catch a cold for my stupidity, but I remain where I am, bracing the cold wind. It freezes me from my head to my toes, but I feel reckless and restless, and just plain bored. Hey, One Direction is known for their craziness. Why can't I live up to that?

I tuck my fingers inside the folds of the blanket around my shoulders, deep in my own thoughts. I think about my strange meeting today with Dr. Henry...

I walk into the hospital grounds, hands tucked into my pockets, full of doubt and disbelief at the importance of what the doctor will have to say to me. I flip my hair out of my eyes as I head to the back doors of the hospital, where I had exited from before. I see Dr. Henry waiting there patiently. I walk up to him.

"You wanted to talk?" I said drily. I really don't know why he would want to talk to me about Louis's - erm, thing. But it was a way to get Lou out of the hospital quickly, so obviously, I agreed.

He frowns at me in that superior way. "Obviously, Mr. Styles. Lets walk and talk?"

I think I'll freeze if I don't move around more, so I nod and we fall into step as we begin our 'walk' in the gardens.

"So," he begins, "You know this is about Mr. Tomlinson, don't you?"

"I wouldn't be here otherwise," I say bluntly.

"Well, then lets make this clear and simple. I don't think Louis's has RBD."

"Wait. What?" I say in disbelief, looking at him. "But - "

"I know what I said, Mr. Styles. But I've never, ever heard of a case when the patient's subconsious convinces him to do things, and in such a cruel way. It's simply not RBD."

"So what IS it?" I ask impatiently.

"I think he's feeling guilty."

I think about it, disbieliving. What could Louis feel guilty about?

"About what?" I ask.

"Well, I think he's in love with someone he shouldn't be."

I stop abruptedly, hardly believing my ears. "What?"

"I said I think he's in love with someone he shouldn't be."

I stare at Dr. Henry, shocked. He looks completely serious.

"But he's dating someone," I say. "He loves with her."

"And how do you know?"

"I left because they were meeting! You should've seen the happiness in his eyes! I KNOW he loves her."

"Maybe he loves her. But maybe he's not IN love with her."

Caught in the moment, I got distracted. "I didn't know doctor's believed in love." I laugh mirthlessly.

He smiles. I think it's the first time I've actually seen his lips turn up.

"Anybody can love. Even the most factful people."

"How is that?"

"Maybe they are in love."

I switch topics. "I don't know anyone Louis could be in love with."

He studies me. "That's what I want you to find out. From what I've heard, you're closest to him. I think you could discover who it is."

"IF he is in love with someone else," I remind him.

"Ofcourse," he says. "I've a hunch..."

I frown. "Hunch?"

"I have a hunch he is in love," Dr. Henry completes.

I have a 'hunch' that he wasn't going to say that.

"Alright, I'll try to find out," I agree, struck by curiosity despite myself. "But if I do find out what this is about, then you're telling me that thing you're hiding from me."

He laughs, a sound which is merry and loud. I start to wonder whether I judged him too quickly.


I'm so caught in my thoughts that I don't hear someone coming outside. Suddenly, I hear a crash, and I jump, spinning around, feeling vulnerable.

I stare at the sight behind me in horror.

Louis is standing there, shaking with tears, holding a knife in his hand.



I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY! ALL RIGHT GOES TO *IamADirectioner* Go check her out :D

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