2-3 - The Coronation

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Hey Korra,

Just wanted to check in! How are you?  How's Naga? Briar's getting bored and lonely, if you figure out away to write in polar-bear dog and then proceed to translate in into eagle-dog let me know. Anyways, I thought I'd treat you to some classic Republic City gossip. Mako is now serving the Earth prince and is most definitely having an affair with him. I got promoted to deputy chief! Right under Lin. Asami's doing well, I know that you had something going for her. I want you to know she's been designing and engineering most of the city's infrastructure. 

Bolin is working for Kuvira which, to be honest, I'm not very happy about. Kuvira has been "reuniting " the Earth Kingdom. She built her own empire, she took my brother, Varrick and Bolin with her. He follows her blindly, I don't blame him though, he just loves helping others. Sorry to vent my problems onto you.

We all really miss you.

From your supportive best friend


The coronation was today and I was finally going to see Bolin after a year. I was directing officers on where to put bleachers and where to set up for crowd control.

"Hey you can't put the bleachers there! There won't be enough room for the dance of the badger moles! " Wu complained, I understand why Mako is so upset about working for him. "Under whose order did you take this from?"

"That would be mine." I said approaching him. "Is there a problem with my officers your majesty?"

"No DC-"

"Do not call me DC."

"Sorry, the bleachers are way too close to the stage! I need room for the dance of the badger-moles! It goes something like this!" He started doing some interpretive dancing and I silently directed the officers to move the bleachers back then left to find Mako.

"Holy shit that hoe is gonna give me an aneurysm." I groaned.

"This is why I don't wanna come with him." He justified his reason for not wanting to go with the prince.

"Title of your sex tape."

"Don't do that."

I laughed and went into the hotel. They were serving complimentary glasses of lychee juice and I couldn't help myself.

"Deputy Chief Beifong." I heard a cold voice from behind me.

"Chief Eska." 

"Lychee juice?" I took another glass off the tray and offered it to her. She let the emo persona slip and she gave me a smile.

"Don't mind if I do."

"How are things down at the Northern Tribe?"

"Bland, nothing interesting has happened, Desna keeps complaining about his cuffs. This is why he's sleeping in the bathtub." She let out a small chuckle. We've worked with eachother before about the whole Kuvira situation and we've gotten close. "If you don't mind I have to go disturb the general public."

"See you later."

I sat down on a bench and pulled a small piece of paper out of my pocket, it just had notes on what needed to be down today. I scanned over the quickly scrawled words.

- Set up bleachers

-crowd control

-bang my head against the wall

I heard someone sit next to me but I just kept going over my notes.

"Watcha working on there?" I looked over at the sound of his voice and hugged him tightly. Bolin returned the embrace. 

Balance is Key (Bolin x Reader) (FINAL PART)Where stories live. Discover now