4-5 - Enemy at the Gates

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Bolin POV

Well that crushed me. I couldn't help but feel she was right, I mean, we never actually go back to the towns after we initially help them.  

Kuvira summoned me to her compartment and she explained what I was going to do.

"We need you to talk with Suyin and get her to hand over Zaofu."

"What are you going to do when you get to Zaofu!?" 

I remembered the argument, well I hadn't really forgotten it.

"Are you sure? I mean wouldn't someone else be better suited for this job?"

"You're dating Y/n right?"

"I mean before she broke up with me yes."

"Because you were serving me correct?"

"I'm afraid so."

"Well then, forget her, she's part of the past now, Su still trusts you."

"I mean I could try-"

"Good, because we're here."

I looked out and saw Kuvira's army planted on the border of Zaofu. 

"Aren't all these troops gonna send the wrong message?"

"They're here to present strength, you're here to present peace."

Your POV

I went back to Zaofu with my mom so I can protect it when Kuvira eventually shows up. The doors opened to reveal my brother, Kuvira... and Bolin.

"Y/n! You're here to-"

"Fuck. Off. You've made it clear what side you're on."

"Sides? There shouldn't be sides? Let's all stand in a circle, maybe hold hands."

My mother raised her voice at Kuvira.

"I'm never giving up Zaofu, I don't care that you brought your entire army to sway me BECAUSE YOU WON'T!"

"Su, I didn't bring my army to threaten you. I wanted to show you all that your son and I have accomplished."

"Baatar, can't you see she's brainwashed you!"

Bolin decided to chime in.

"Okay, guys, obviously, there's a lot of personal, painful history here, so what do you say we just all forget about that stuff, huh? I mean, that's the past! Right Wing? Right Wei? You guys know what I'm talkin' 'bout, right? High five! "
The twins glared at him, mainly because after they found out that I broke up with Bolin they became more protective of me.
" All right. No, that's cool. You know what I think we need to do? Focus on the future! And the future is bright, let me tell you! I've seen it! Yeah!  Saw it last month! We went to this town that had nothing. Most of the people there had never seen a Satomobile before. Now, they have two Satomobiles, running water, and a magnet train that goes right through their town! I mean, how awesome is that?"

"I can't believe that you brought Bolin to try and convince me."

"Su, I understand that you may be having a few mixed feelings about this but trust me it's for the best. Kuvira knows what she's doing and all she wants to do is help the Earth Empire. "

"Now I understand why Y/n broke up with you. I'm never giving up my city, LEAVE!"

Kuvira tilted her head upwards slightly in a demeaning manner.

"Fine, you have 24 hours to join the empire or we take the city by force."

This was getting too overwhelming for me, Kuvira was gonna take my home when I had just got it back and Bolin being here made everything feel 10 times worse. I know I was the one who broke up with him but I feel really guilty about letting him down like that. I stood up and walked out the living room.

"Y/n." I knew that voice all too well.

"I don't wanna talk to you."

"I  need to talk though."

"I'm not in the mood Bolin."

"Please, just five minutes."

"You wanna talk, then talk."

He took a deep breath before talking.

"I had no idea how far Kuvira was willing to go to unite the empire. When you asked me what I was going to do when we got here I had no idea,and I still don't. I need this job, if I didn't have it I would be flat broke, but, I still need you. Being with you made me the happiest I've ever been and I never thought I'd lose that. You never really know how much you'll miss something until it's gone. I'm never going to stop trying to get you back."

My eyes welled with tears as I turned around and hastily walked to my room. 

Was he trying to guilt trip me? Because fuck it's working.

I sat on my bed and tapped my foot against the ground anxiously. The doors swung open and I saw Korra in green Earth Kingdom clothes.

"Korra?" I stood up and hugged her tightly. "Where have you been?"

"Here and there. You look like you were crying, is everything okay?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I mean Kuvira's trying to take my city and I broke up with Bolin but-"

"Wait you broke up with Bolin?"

I sighed and sat back on my bed.  

"Yeah, things just didn't work out."

"Is that all?"

I couldn't articulate my words as the tears came flooding back.

"I-I don't know Korra . After everything with Kuvira I couldn't- I couldn't take it anymore, so I ended it and I regret it so much."

She wrapped her arms around me and placed her chin on top of my head.

"Everything's gonna be fine, you still have me and Asami, Mako not so much."

I giggled at her statement and wiped away my tears.

"Korra I need to talk to you." My mom said walking in.

Korra grabbed my head and placed a very over exaggerated kiss on my temple before going with my mom. 

"What does mom need her for? Ohhhh yeah."

Later that night my mom walked in.



"Me, Wing and Wei are gonna try and fend off Kuvira and your bone-bending could come in handy."

I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I'm in the right of mind to fight."

She rubbed her thumb over my forehead and planted a kiss before leaving.

I couldn't sleep for the rest of the night. I'm scared of what Kuvira will do if they get caught.

Balance is Key (Bolin x Reader) (FINAL PART)Where stories live. Discover now