8 - Remembrances

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How did we get here?

5 years old

"NO FAIR YOU CHEATED!" I yelled at my older sister after our game of pai sho.


"Girls what's going on?" Mom asked us.

"Y/n's getting mad because she lost!"

"You cheated!" She didn't exactly cheat, she just threw me off my game.

"Y/n, don't be a sore loser, your sister won fair and square."

"UGH!" I stormed off to my room and slammed the door behind me. As a child I was prone to temper tantrums, a lot.

7 years old

"MOM MOM! LOOK!" I ran up to my mom excitedly and showed off my newly discovered earthbending.

"Sweetheart thats-"

"MOMMY!" Opal ran up to Mom and shoved a drawing in her hands. It was a family drawing and I was off to the side and almost tiny.

"That's great Opal, now let me talk to your... sister." I had stormed off  into the dense trees of our garden. I kept my head down and accidentally bumped into one of the trees. I punched it in my frustration and just kept going until my knuckles bled. I folded my arms as I walked back home. I went into my bathroom and wrapped my hands in bandages. 

8 years old

I had just gotten done with an argument with Opal in which I got in trouble for. Like seriously, if you don't want to get hit with a rock don't go in between two earthbenders sparring. I sat outside with my arms folded, still pissed at Opal and Mom. 

"Is everything alright?" A young guard said sitting next to me.

"I just got into a fight with my sister."

"Oh no, why?"

"I accidently hit her with a rock when I was eartbending training."

"Well then she shouldn't have interrupted your training."

"EXACTLY! Wait, I haven't seen you around that much? What's your name?"

She giggled slightly before telling me.

"My name's Kuvira, I'm the army's new general."


"What's your name?"

"I'm Y/n."

"Your Su's daughter?"

"Yeah... unfortunately. It's always Opal this, Opal that. I'm a metalbending prodigy! She never pays attention to me."

"Well, I think you're pretty cool for a kid."

"You think so?"

"I know so."

I hugged Kuvira tightly and she hugged back. She was like the sister I wish I had.

10 years old

"AND HERE THEY ARE! The wonderful Beifong family! The two daughters, Opal and Y/n looking radiant!" I was wearing that same dress I wore to the gala, of course then it was too big for me so I had to pin it up. The press conference dragged on before we finally went home. 

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