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5 years later

"Calm down you'll do great." Bolin said trying to calm me down.

"But what if I mess up? The entire city will think I'm not capable of doing this!"

Today I was officially being made Republic City's chief of police. I was a fucking wreck.

"Have you ever messed up anything in your life?"

"Yeah like a lot. Why?"

"Okay that was a stupid question but what I meant is that you'll do great."

"Okay, thanks." 

He lightly kissed my forehead before I went out onto the stage as Bolin went to find the others.

"As I retire, I find myself looking back on how I got here. But now I can place my trust and this responsibility into the hands of one of the strongest people I know. Y/n Beifong has fought through the battles to earn her place here." Lin gave her final speech which meant it was almost time for me to go on. "I introduce to you, your new chief of police."

Cameras flashed in my eyes as I approached the microphone. 

"Hello. My name is Y/n Beifong and I am your new chief. Though I doubt I will live up to all the good Chief Beifong has done for this city and for the world, I hope I can keep this city and all of its citizens safe. I strive to live up to my family's name as almost 50 years ago my grandmother, Toph Beifong, created this police force to keep the city safe. I hope to achieve what she did all that time ago. I look forward to serving you." I finished my speech and was applauded by the large audience. Briar and Naga sat at the back as my friends were a few rows in front.

 My name is Chief Y/n Beifong, and I am the strongest earthbender of my time.

Balance is Key (Bolin x Reader) (FINAL PART)Where stories live. Discover now