7 - Reunion

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We made it back to Air Temple Island after a long night of travelling. Korra called out to Naga  as she hopped off Pepper and hugged her. I got off Briar and stayed to the side with my back turned, I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

"I hate to get down to business, but what happened at Zaofu?" Tenzin asked as I slightly turned my head and saw Korra and Opal looking at me with a sad gaze.

"Our family was taken. Kuvira kidnapped Mom, Dad and our brothers." Opal explained.

"Her entire army was there, I thought I was strong enough to stop her but I couldn't. I feel like such a failure." Korra said.

"Where's Bolin? Surely he's not still on Kuvira's side?" Bumi asked looking towards me.

"He's not the problem right now, but he is. I can't believe he's still working for her after everything, we don't know where he is though. We'll find a way to deal with Kuvira, if it means killing her, so be it." I said walking towards the group.

"It's not gonna come to that Y/n, but we need to be prepared for anything that may be thrown at us."

Korra patted her hand on my back.

"Let's go meet up with asami and Mako, they're waiting for us."

We went to a restaurant and Asami was waiting for us in the waiting room.

"I hope you haven't been waiting long."

"Only three years." The two hugged and then Asami hugged me. "Come on, Mako got us a table."

We headed inside and saw Mako. Korra hugged him and low and behold we were presented with the male prostitute himself.

"Hello there, Prince Wu. Rightful heir to the throne and this guys boss. I bet he's told you a lot about me."

"Uh no?"

"Then we have so much to talk about."

We shuffled into the booth and the mood was already ruined by Wu. 

"I know the chef personally. Let's start with a round of your spicy octopus fritters and keep the cucumber aloe water flowing, gotta keep this princely skin hydrated."

I shuffled closer to Mako and whispered.

"Why is your boy toy here? I thought it was going to be just the four of us?"

"Sorry I can't get rid of him."

"Hey pop into the avatar state for me, I wanna see your eyes glow."

"What? No!" 

"Can you still go into the avatar state? I was worried when you told me you couldn't."

"Wait when did you tell her?"

An uncomfortable silence followed.

"I wrote to Asami while I was away."

"Well why didn't you write to me? Or Bolin or Y/n?"

"I guess I just didn't know what to say."

"Hello would've been nice."

"Look I'm sorry I haven't been in touch, but I'm back now and I want to know everything that's been going on with you three."

Asami clenched her fist and spoke up.

"I have some pretty big news, I went to visit my father for the first time. He kept sending me letters and I finally felt ready to talk to him."

"Are you sure you can trust him? What if he's just manipulating you again?"


Balance is Key (Bolin x Reader) (FINAL PART)Where stories live. Discover now