10 - Operation Beifong

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Opal and Lin flew on Opal's bison, Juicy, whilst Bolin and I flew on Briar. We landed in the dense forest outside Zaofu. I hopped off Briar and patted Briar on the nose.

"Alright let's do this! Saving the Beifongs and saving our love, because I vow to repair the rift that has grown betwixt us and make us whole again!" Bolin announced which pissed off Lin even more.

"You. Zip it. Now. I had enough of your babble on the way in."

"Yes, ma'am."

I walked towards the cliff and saw what Kuvira did to my home.

"She tore down the domes. Why would she do that?"

"She's got a whole battalion of troops stationed there. There's no way we'll be able to spot anything useful from here. We'll have to go in for a closer look."

"Don't bother. All the prisoners have been moved." I looked behind me to see my grandma, Toph Beifong.

"Uh ... hey, Chief." Lin greeted her timidly.

"Hey, Chief."

"Grandma!" I ran and hugged her.

"You were only up to my waist last time I saw you. Following the family legacy I see."

Bolin looked like he was about to explode or something. 

" Oh, man! Ohh, I can't. This can't be happening!"

"What you need to pee or something?" Grandma said making me chuckle.

"No ... well, now, maybe. You're my hero! My name is Bolin. I'm dating your granddaughter-"

"I mean not anymore." I interrupted him.

"I may have screwed that up, but that's why I'm here and you're my hero! Oh, I said that. Can I have a hug too?"

"What's up with him?"

"He's an actor. So, you already checked the city for Su? How did you know she was captured?"

"I've been living in the swamp and keeping watch on Zaofu through the vines."

"Oh yeah, you taught Korra that right?" I remembered what Korra did to find Wu.

"So she managed to figure it out? Good for her. By the time I got here, they were gone. I snooped around town and heard that they were taken away to some nearby prison camp."

I turned to Bolin and said to him with a bitter tone. "And where would that be?"

"There's a factory and re education facility not too far away." He said ashamed.

"How do you know that?" Grandma asked him, disbelievingly.

"Bolin used to work for Kuvira."

"How did you end up dating the kind of dick that works for Kuvira?"

"Used to." He defended himself.

"It's not his silver tongue, I can tell you that. " She began to walk away and we followed.

"Please tell me this attitude isn't hereditary."

We lead Grandma to Juicy and Briar. 

"Grandma this is Juicy." Opal introduced her bison and Grandma was not impressed.

"And I thought Appa was smelly."

"And this is Briar." I introduced her.

"Where on Earth did you find an eagle-dog? There on the verge of extinction."

"We found eachother in the spirit world."

Briar flew beside Juicy. 

Balance is Key (Bolin x Reader) (FINAL PART)Where stories live. Discover now