13 - The Last Stand

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Alarms blared as Korra explained what we need to do

"We need to move fast. Su, Y/n, Lin, climb up to the arm and try to disable that weapon. Mako, Bolin, get to the engine and see if you can power this thing down. I'm going after Kuvira."

"Korra, last time-"

"I know. She almost destroyed me. Not this time."

"Good luck."

Mom, Lin and I used our cables to ascend to the arm where we can disable the cannon. We made it to the cannon and I was pleased when I saw that not a single part of it was platinum.

"We can do a lot of damage in here."


Metal blades were shot in our direction. 

"I'll deal with this guy! Disable the weapon." Lin said jumping down and fighting the guy. Mom and I pulled the reloads of spirit vines so they would fall to the bottom of the weapon. The weapon was useless now. The vines exploded and we ducked out of the way as purple flames engulfed the cavern. The flames dispersed and I looked down the arm, proud of our work.

"Nice job."

"The outside may be platinum but we can do a lot of damage in here."

We began tearing the inside of the arm apart. We had completely disabled the arm when it got torn off. Lin secured slabs of metal to us and fused them with the wall so we wouldn't be knocked around, but I sure as hell was winded. I watched as the mech suit blew up into two, the top half flying into the spirit wilds. I realised that Bolin and Mako were still in there. I peeled off my restraints and limped towards the destroyed mech. 

I heard the weapon charge up and saw a purple glow speeding towards me. I ducked into an alleyway and smoke filled the area. The smoke retreated and I looked to see a beam of light fire up into the sky.

"A spirit portal?" It was right where the bottom half of the mech was. There was a huge cavern in the ground crawling with spirit vines. I slid down the steep cliff and went to find Korra.

"KORRA!" I limped around the portal trying to find her. Spirits emerged from the portal.

"The spirits have returned." Out of the portal came Korra holding Kuvira.


"It's looks like you're not."

"Yeah, fucked up my leg. I think it's the same leg too. Damn it."

"HAND OVER KUVIRA OR WE WILL ATTACK!" A platoon of mechs surrounded us.

"Stand down. This battle is over. I owe the Avatar my life. Her power is beyond anything I could ever hope to achieve. I'll accept whatever punishment the world sees fit."

Lin cuffed Kuvira and she turned to me.

"Y/n, I'm sorry for betraying you and your family. You were like the sister I never had." I didn't respond, I didn't know what to say. All I did was nod as she was dragged away.

"I think I'm done fighting international wars for a while." I said swinging my arm over Bolin's shoulders, chuckling slightly.

"I think I am too."

Zhu Li and Varrick's were getting married and it was honestly a nice break from rebuilding the city. 

"And though the battle took a severe toll on our beloved city, out of the destruction, love did bloom! So that is why, dearest friends and family, we gather today to celebrate the wondrous, and at time inexplicable bond between Sir Varrick and the Lady Zhu Li!" Bolin said, he was the officiater which only made me question who the fuck gave him the authority to officiate a wedding? "True love is a fickle creature. Difficult to find, nearly impossible to tame. But Varrick and Zhu Li have proven that even the longest of long shots can have a chance at happiness together. Now, for the vows! Thank you, Master Pabu. Do you, Sir Iknik Blackstone Varrick of the Southern Water Tribe, Master of the High Seas, take the Lady Zhu Li Moon to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you promise to treat her not as your assistant, but as your honored and cherished partner?" 

Wait homeboy's name is Icknik?

"You're darn tootin' I do!"

"And do you, Zhu Li, take Varrick, to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to care for him, in sickness and in health, and also scrub his callouses on a bi-weekly basis, which ... isn't really that much to ask ...  Okay, I'm not reading all this."

"I do take Varrick. Callouses and all."

Damn so heartfelt.

"You may now do the thing."

The couple kissed as the audience applauded. Varrick pressed a button which set fireworks off.

At the reception I stole a piece of cake and I went off to the edge of Air Temple Island to eat in peace. 

"There you are, I've been looking everywhere for you." Bolin said sitting next to me.

"Sorry to make you look for me, I just wanted to eat my cake in peace without having to watch Wu dance."

"You really like that cake huh?"

"IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD! Want some?"

"I'm good thanks."

"I can't believe it's over. "

"What is?"

"Everything. I mean sure the spirit portal will cause some issues but the war and all the repercussions of what Unalaq did."

"Why Unalaq?"

"Yeah, he opened the spirit portals and fused with Vaatu, that made the spirit vines and gave people airbending. Zaheer got airbending which lead to him killing the Earth Queen. Kuvira took advantage of the Earth Queen's death and used the spirit vines to conquer the Earth Kingdom. So yeah it was pretty much all Unalaq."

"Wait you're right! You are a good detective."

"Can I have a word with you Y/n?" I heard Lin say from behind me.

"Yeah sure. I'll see you later, Bo." Bolin left and I went up to Lin. "Is everything okay?"

"You fought through everything even with multiple broken bones. You're strong, stronger than any earthbender I've ever known. You'll make an amazing chief."

"Thankyou, Chief."

"No problem, Chief."

She was going to place the responsibility of chief into my hands. I'm ready for when it does happen but for now, I'd rather just live in the moment, because balance is key.

Balance is Key (Bolin x Reader) (FINAL PART)Where stories live. Discover now