11 - Kuvira's Gambit

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We made it back home and went straight to the president's office.

"GUYS! Good you're here!"

"What's with you interrupting my important meetings all the time?" Raiko complained and I was ready to tie this guys dick into a sailors knot.

"Su ... what are you ... you're okay! I'm so sorry about Zaofu. How did you escape?" Korra asked, hugging my mom.

"Y/n, Opal, Beifong and I rescued everyone. But we had a run in with Kuvira. We saw her super spirit weapon up close. Like, really close. Way too close." Bolin explained kinda rambling.

"Is she going to use it against Republic City?"

"Yes. I found out she's going to attack in two weeks." Zhu Li said.

"Ooh! And Zhu Li's on our side now. Actually, she never really switched sides and I'm just gonna let her explain the whole thing. Zhu Li?"

"I pretended to be loyal to Kuvira so I could sabotage her weapon. It didn't work, but I did overhear her plans to attack"

"I knew she wouldn't stop at Zaofu!" Raiko exclaimed.

"My guess is, she's coming by rail. It's the only way she can transport that weapon."

"Then we'll cut the rail lines."

"I agree. But let's get as many citizens evacuated before we do. Put out the announcement. The evacuation is now mandatory." Raiko instructed Mako and he left.

A few hours later we all met up at my apartment to discuss something.

"Thanks for letting us use your apartment Y/n." Korra thanked me.

"No problem, so what's the problem?"

"I think we should take out Kuvira now so she doesn't have the chance to attack Republic City."

"I don't think we could take her out directly, she's mad strong." I said.

"Maybe we don't have to! What if we just disable the weapon?" Asami suggested.

"Yeah! When we went to go save the Beifongs, Zhu Li sabotaged the weapon twice and each time it was only by removing 1 item." Bolin said.

"So if we just like blow up the insides it'll shut down. Maybe we can get Y/n to metalbend it open." Mako suggested but I shook my head.

"They took their precautions. The entire outer shell of the weapon is pure platinum. It's way too pure, not even Toph could bend it."

"Oh damn."

"But if we could get inside it somehow-"

"Then we you could cripple it from the inside-"

"Mako, don't interrupt me but yeah."

We started to walk out but I held Asami back for a second.

"Is everything alright?" She asked.

"I know you have a lot on your plate right now but if I'm going into that machine-"

"Don't worry, I know exactly what to do for you."

We made our way to Air Temple Island to tell Tenzin, Lin and President Raiko.

"There's something we need to discuss with you."

"What is it?"

"The five of us have been talking and we wanna take out Kuvira's spirit weapon before it gets too close to the city."

Balance is Key (Bolin x Reader) (FINAL PART)Where stories live. Discover now