12 - Day of the Colossus

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Bolin POV

I pulled Y/n closer to me but her head hit the ground and she backed out.

"Y/n? Y/N WAKE UP!" I managed to catch a huge piece of rubble before it landed on the both of us. I lifted it up as Korra grabbed Y/n and brought her into the open. Everyone managed to get out before I dropped the boulder and ducked out of the way.

Your POV

I woke up slung over Korra's back. I brought myself to my feet and regained my composure. I checked to see if my attachments were still on and they thankfully were.

"Kuvira is heading our way, with a platoon of mecha suits!" Tenzin announced as Kuvira's army marched through the city.

"What should we do?"

"This is my hometown and I hate to say it, but there's no use risking all our lives to fight that giant thing! Let her take the city for now! We'll think of some way to come back and beat her!"

"What about all the people who haven't been evacuated yet? If Kuvira finds out that Wu is with them, she might fire that spirit cannon at him and take them all out."

"I couldn't stop Kuvira from taking Zaofu. I'm not letting her conquer Republic City. The world isn't safe as long as she has that weapon."

"I agree, we destroy that thing today!" Lin called from the top of some rubble like the bad bitch she was.


"Glad to see you all made it out. You had me worried."

Varrick spoke up and, to be honest, I kinda forgot he was there.

"Well, you benders are going to have to fight her alone. She just blew up our factory with all our hummingbird suits."

"Not all of them. There are the prototypes back at my office. If we can get those ready to fly, we'll at least be able to offer a little air support."

"Su, you take Baatar Jr. and the rest of the wounded back to Asami's office. Get those suits working as soon as you can. The rest of us will just have to face Kuvira on our own." Korra announced.

"You ready to finally test out those upgrades Y/n?"

"Hell yeah."

We took our positions as the airbenders splattered paint all over the windshield. Sprinklers cleared the glass as Bolin sunk the mech foot into a pool of lava.

"Y/N NOW!" 

I metal bended my new upgrades into activation. 

"Ok so to activate them, you're gonna have to metalbend them into place." Asami explained.

"Sounds easy enough."

"Then to trigger the guns, you metal bend this trigger. You have 200 bullets in each firearm, so 400 total. They're sharp and strong, they will at least dent it enough to break through."


I did as Asami explained to me and unleashed hell on this woman. All they did was leave tiny little marks.


"It's alright! We have plan B!"

We bound the mechs ankles together with the cables used by the police force.


The airbenders blasted it with strong winds which barely tipped it over. Korra pushed harder but the mech caught itself on a neighbouring building. Kuvira armed the cannon and blasted it from the road up to the buildings. I tried to hold my ground but was blasted into a building and the back of my head slammed against the wall knocking me unconscious.

"Y/n? Y/n! PLEASE WAKE UP! I can't lose you. Not again." I heard Bolin say but it was muffled. Really muffled. My eyes opened slightly as I felt his body shaking. 


"You're alive! "

"Did we win? Is Kuvira still-?"

"Kuvira's still got the weapon, let's get you out of here-"

"No. I wanna stay! I wanna fight!"

"I know you want to but you're arm and your leg are messed up, badly."


"Sweetheart listen to me, I know you want to help out, I know you can but sometimes you can be reckless and irrational. I can't have you getting yourself more injured or even worse. You need to stay safe. I'll take you to Asami."

"I'm fine!" I tried to snap my arm back into place but it didn't work and caused only more pain.

"Did you not just listen to a word I said!? This is you being reckless again. I'm taking you to Asami and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

I gave in and let Bolin carry me up to Asami's office. I heard yelling and worried cries but I couldn't listen. I wanted to help fight for the city I love so much. 

I was laid down on a bedroll and Asami bandaged me up. I heard everyone discussing the next part when I began to stand up.

"LIE! DOWN!" I heard Bolin yell from across the room.


I reluctantly lay back down and unravelled the bandages. My mind was focused now so maybe I could snap my bones back into place. I tried with my arm first and it worked! I snapped my leg back into place and rejoined with the others.

"If you do manage to get inside, find the engine room. There are two emergency levers. If you switch them off at the same time, you'll cut the power." Baatar said.

"If we cut the power the hold thing shuts down." I followed up.


"Oh I snapped my bones back into place." I said giving a thumbs up and smiling. I saw Asami's dad was with us and looked him up and down judgmentally. 

"Ok, let's go."

We began to run outside but Bolin stopped me.

"I'm going with you and there's nothing-"

"I'm not stopping you. I just wanted to do this one last time." He pressed his lips against mine, just one more time before we faced whatever was outside. He pulled away before I could fully ease into his touch.

"I love you, Y/n."

"I love you too. Don't get yourself killed."

I said running out with Lin and Mom, we were going to go into the mech's arm and disable the weapon. I stood on the roof of a building next to my mom. Bolin was on the next one over as all of us: Me, Lin, Mom, Bolin, Wing and Wei sliced the top off one of the tallest buildings and made it collapse into Kuvira's mech. She managed to burst through it but the hummingbird suits were ready and operational. We got down from the building and joined up with Korra and Mako. The hummingbirds attached themselves onto the mech but were ultimately almost squashed and had to keep switching course. The cannon blew one of the wings off Varrick and Zhu Li's hummingbird, luckily the ejected out of their seats and landed safely. Korra kept the mech encased in ice while Asami and her dad cut out an opening. Kuvira was starting to break through the ice. Asami was sent out of the suit with a parachute. Her dad didn't make it. A opening was made into the platinum so we could get in. 

"Hiroshi's plan worked, there's an opening."

We ran up the leg of the mech and made it into the hole before a hand could squash us. This was our chance. This was our final stand.


So uh wow. One chapter to go and then this series will be over. Before it finishes though I wanted to do a Q/A. Anything you want to ask me about this story will be answered. Any plot holes I missed? I'll try to fill them in on the spot. Anything about you as the bad bitch Deputy Chief Beifong? Your wish is my command. Have a nice day/night/evening/morning/whatever. BYEEEE

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