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Jordan's POV: (Springs)

"Alright, this is it." Grayson says as he pulls the car over in front of a small mechanic shop. "This is where it all began, well as far back as I can find in the family history anyway."

"So this is where Amity worked, where she met Chet?" I ask with a smile, looking out the window.

"Oh yeah, I can't wait for you to read what I've read, I'm pretty sure your times five great grandmother Amity was sassy as all hell, explains a lot."

"Hey, what are you saying?" I pout as I turn to him.

"All of you girls are sassy as hell." He laughs. "Don't pout, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but something I've noticed." He chuckles once more as I swat him playfully.

"So does anyone own this garage or what?"

"Yes, a female, her name is Alezia, and no she's not related to you before you ask. The shop was Amity's and she handed it down to her son in law Zayd Cameron, who married her daughter Charlie. When Zayd was ready to give it up, he handed it down to he and Charlie's son Reid Cameron, and Reid was so invested that he never really gave it up, he worked until the day he died, his daughter Rosie inherited it, but she wasn't interested in running it, so she sold it off."

"Wow... that's a shame." I breathe out. "Thank-you for this, helping me find out my family history on mom's side, she doesn't like to talk about the Cobras much, but I've never been able to shake the feeling this is were it all began you know."

"Have you thought about speaking to your grandparents about it? Sara and Andre I mean."

"I don't feel I'm close enough to them to ask questions, knowing Andre he'd probably think I was trying to get information on the Cobras with some kind of hidden agenda." I roll my eyes.

Grayson chuckles with a shake of his head. "I get where you're coming from, but I don't think he would, in fact I know he wouldn't."

Sighing I cross my arms over my chest. "You spoke to him didn't you?"

"It was the only way I was able to access all of the information, even with the Cobra's no longer a working crew, the documents are still under lock and key so to speak." He says as he reaches into the backseat and picks up a large diary, handing it to me. 

Taking the old leather diary into my hands, I run my index finger over the A.L  initials engraved on the front of it. "Amity Logan?" I ask, looking up at Grayson. 

"Andre thought you might like her diary, and he said if you have any questions at all, or you want to know something, or to make sense of something, he'd love to talk to you about it."


Grayson and I spent the rest of the day driving around Springs. He showed me homes my Cobra family had originally lived in, bars and restaurants and clubs that family members had owned, and even to the grave yard where most of them are buried within close proximity.

I don't know why I've always had the overwhelming urge to know more about them, but I have, and thanks to Grayson I feel like I know them.

"Hey, are you still up here reading?" Grayson asks with a smile as he stands in the doorway of the spare room (the room I'm staying in).

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