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Jordan's POV: (Springs)

Tonight Grayson and I are heading to Ocean View restaurant, and I'm really looking forward to it, not only to spend some quality time with Gray, but also to go somewhere different, and be somewhere different.

While Ocean View used to be considered somewhat faraway, with more freeways in place than ever before, it should only take us an hour to get there, and an hour to get home again. I know it's a little excessive to drive an hour for dinner, but I have no doubt it'll be worth it. 

Brushing my long dark hair in front of the mirror, I allow it to fall down my back before pulling it over one shoulder. 

Tonight I'm wearing a black velvet strapless dress which comes to my knee and a pair of black high heels. Around my neck I have my gold triple layered necklace, on my wrist a thin gold band, and in my ears, small gold hoops.

Ready, I leave the room closing the door behind me and make my way down the stairs. 

"Grayson, open the fucking door now!" I hear a voice yell and I stop in my tracks. 

"What have I told you about showing up here when you're drunk?" Grayson responds. 

"Mind your own fucking business." She continues to shout at him. "Where is my daughter?" She yells. 

"She isn't here Lydia, she's wit her grandparents, now will you please leave before I call the police." 

Still not having taken another step, I feel my heartrate quicken and I'm glad Poppy isn't here, I hope she's never seen her mother in the state she's in right now. 

"Of course she's not here, she's never here, you're always trying to keep her from me, but I won't let you take her from me." 

"Lydia, for fuck sake." He huffs. "Two days ago you were happy to sign her over to me, tonight I'm keeping her from you. You have not a clue what you want. I've told you before and I'll tell you again, get sober and you can be part of her life, until then, leave." He tells her once more. 

Finishing the walk down the stairs, I head into the living room where the shouting is coming from and Lydia is still standing there, shouting in Grayson's face, her horrible, long, skinny finger pointing at him. 

"You're a fucking piece of shit, fuck you!" she shouts once more, but suddenly stops as she see's me, if only for a moment. "YOU!" she shouts. "I should have known you'd be behind this." 

"Sorry, do we know each other?" I ask as I stand by Grayson, showing her I'm not intimidated by her. 

"I know exactly who you are Jordan Shelby." She seethes. "You're the reason my family was never together in the first place, it was always you Jordan, you were always in the fucking way, you fucking bitch!" she screams and lunges at me. 

As if he was Edward Cullen, Grayson takes a step in front of me at lightening speed and Lydia collides with his chest, and he pushes her back gently. "Leave." 

"Watch your back bitch." She says with a blank stare toward me as she stumbles backwards. 

Grayson closes the door and locks it, before turning to me. "Are you okay?" 

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