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Colson's POV:

"Hey man, what's going on?" I ask Andy who's on the other end of the line.

"I've been doing some digging into that Christian dude like you asked, and I was able to hack the phone."

"Yeah? What did you come up with?"

"He hasn't been leaving Jordan alone, in fact he's been leaving her threatening messages."

"That's strange, she never mentioned it to Grayson, I'm sure he would have said something if she had."

"I'll send you through everything I have."

"Thanks man." I respond, my eyes glued to Willow as she makes her way toward the hospital doors.  "I have something to tell you, but you have to keep it to yourself for now." 

"Finally got the balls to ask Willow to be your girl huh?" He responds, and I can hear in his voice, there is a smile on his face. 

"One better actually, I asked her to marry me." 

"No fucking way man, that's great!" He exclaims. "What brought all this on?" 

"I love her man, and she deserves to be with someone who isn't afraid to show her that." 

As Willow reaches the crossing, I watch her look both ways, then step out, when out of nowhere a car heads straight for her. 

"Willow, watch out!!" I scream and start running toward her. 

"Dude? You there?" Andy asks in a worried tone. "What's going on?"

"Black Camry, maybe a 2000's model, number plate ends in 368." I yell into the phone and hang up.

I reach her within seconds, but she already has people surrounding her, nurses, doctors, witness's, making it almost impossible for me to see her.

"Is she breathing? Please tell me she's okay." I say in a panicked tone.

"You know her?" An older woman who appears to be a nurse asks, while a younger nurse appears to be feeling for a pulse. 

"She's my fiancé." I tell her, tears welling in my eyes. 

"I have a faint pulse, get her inside now!" The younger nurse yells.

Quickly I'm moved out of the way, while a group of medical professionals get her onto the bed and begin wheeling her inside. 

"What's her name?" The older nurse asks as I run along side them into the hospital.

"Willow, Willow Shelby." 


"She's twenty one." 

"We'll take good care of her, you'll need to stay here, you can't come any further." She says as they push her bed through a set of large double doors.

"Wait are you taking her?" I call after them. 

"Colson... what the hell happened?" Alyssa (Grayson's mom) speaks from behind me. 

I turn to her and take in her worried expression. My heart is beating so fast in my chest I feel like it's about to explode, and my mind is telling me a million different things at once. "It happened so fast, one second she was walking across the crossing and the next a car hit her. I yelled out to her, but it was to late." 

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