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Colson's POV: (New York)

Last night Jex called to give Willow the good news that he was cleared of anything sinister. I was glad that was the outcome, not only for Willow but so relieved for Bella as well, I know how hard this has been on her.

After Willow filled me in on everything, we enjoyed the rest of our night together, and I never got back around to asking her to be mine, nor did she seem to remember I was about to ask her something (being so caught up in the good news.)

But maybe that was for the best....

I love Willow, she's it for me, and these last couple of days I've spent with her, I want that forever, but that's not reality. I've been so caught up in the moment, and how good things have been, I almost forgot how life in New York really looks. It's not all day trips and yachts, it's dangerous, and brutal.

What the hell was I thinking, even getting that close to asking her to be mine? I can't do that to her, I can't take her away from her family who have always protected her and made peace deals with other crews to keep her protected, just to bring her into a life where she'll be in danger every single day because of me. I have too many enemies and I've burned too many bridges.

I love Willow, I love her so damn much, but I shouldn't be trying to put a label on us, I shouldn't be trying to make her mine, I should be ending it, telling her what we had was fun, but it ends now.

"Dad, what's up?" I answer my phone.

"Colson, I trust you've heard the good news about Jex?"

"Of course, I was with Willow last night when he called. She's over the moon about it, not so much about his surgery, she's a little nervous about that, but its the best news that could have come from a bad situation."

"Yes, I have to agree. But now that we know Jex is going to be okay, I have a more pressing issue that you and I need to discuss."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"You still haven't found someone to marry, I've given you ample time, I even let you take over the crew un-married, but the time has come Colson, the crew can't wait any longer and I won't take no for an answer."

"But dad, I don't want to be married, I'm happy as I am."

"You knew the rules when you signed up for the job son." He sighs.

"Dad, I know it was a big deal when you were younger and taking over, but I really don't see why this is a tradition we have to keep, I don't need a wife to be able to run the crew, I've proven that haven't I?"

"Things have been running smoothly, but when the time comes that things aren't so smooth you will need a good woman by your side, not to mention we need to keep the family growing."

"Keep the family growing?"

"Children Colson, an heir to hand the reins down to when your time comes to step down."

"So you want me to get married and have a child with someone I don't even love or care for? Just choose someone at random and go for it?"

"It shouldn't be that hard, there are lots of nice girls already part of the crew, what about Kiara or Brandy?"

"Dad no, Kiara is my friend and I would never do that to Damon, and Brandy? Absolutely not, no."

"You have two weeks."

"Two weeks? Dad, I'm about to get on the jet and fly back to East Cliff with Willow."

"That's for you to work out son, goodbye." He says before the line goes dead.

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