Episode 1: Enter! Izumi Suoh!

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Warning: This series contains themes of violence, death, suicide, homicide, anxiety, depression, torture, and strong language. If any of these offend you, I advise you to refrain from reading this story and search for something with lighter content. Thank you and happy reading! - Izzy💟

Note: Itallics indicate flashbacks throughout this series, quotation marks mean dialogue, and single quotation marks indicate the character is thinking.

As this arduous tale begins, we bring our focus on to a small girl. A girl with golden blonde hair and eyes touched by icy blue was born. She was a descendant among the most sacred and powerful ninjas in the world.

The protagonist of this story, the girl, lived a relatively mostly ordinary life until a tragic event befell her clan. She lived in the Hidden Dragon village with her mother, father, siblings, and older cousins.

Her mother and cousins showed her love and taught her about chakra, ninjutsu, genjutsu, taijutsu, and their shared interests of cooking and cloudgazing. Sadly, the girl's relationship with her siblings was strained due to their tendency to pick on her for being significantly smaller and weaker than them.

"Hahaha! Let's face it! You'll never become a ninja, Izzy-poo! You're so small, you can even reach the counter to get dinner!" Her oldest brother, Keita, remarked.

A boy and a girl beside him, around his age, snickered.

Izumi huffed, "Please leave me alone, Keita!"

"If you were stronger, you probably could give Keita a run for his money... which is impossible. Just admit it, you're the weakest of them all," her other brother, Akira chuckled.

Akira and her sister Yami grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and hung her from a lamppost on the edge of town.

"Let's see you try and get out of this, Izzy-poo!," Keita smirked.

Akira and Yami laughed at her as they walked away, leaving Izumi alone and crying for help.

Her father, on the other hand had an unnerving fixation with her and favored her over all the other children in the village. He provided her with everything she needed and bragged about her accomplishments whenever he got a chance.

This behavior became increasingly concerning as he frequently took her to different places. Although her mother noticed these strange tendencies, she didn't pay much attention to them. However, one fateful evening, everything would change.

As the small girl squirmed and looked for anyone to help her, she slunk in her hung position.

Just then, a man of ash blonde hair and yellow eyes appeared, a face she knew all too well, "Hello, father. Would you help me down?"

Her father, Raijin, sighed, "Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Oh dewdrop, what are we ever to do with you..."

"I'm sorry... It's just, Keita and the others are so much stronger than me... I can't help being so small and weak," the girl lowered her head in disappointment.

Raijin reached out and lowered the girl from the lamppost, holding his hand out for her to hold, "Come now my child, let us carry on with our experiments, hm? After all, you are the most special of us all. Keita and the others... they don't understand the... qualities you possess..."

"If you say so father...," Izumi shrugged and grabbed his extended hand.

Raijin offered an odd sort of smile, "Come, let us be on our way."

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