Episode 6: Zabuza Momochi!

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As Tazuna began to lead the company off the cobblestone road into a sparse forest inland of the island, Izumi noticed Kakashi's queasy expression and knew you were both thinking the same things. The next time they are attacked, you will confront full-level Jonin rather than ordinary ninjas. They had to be alert the entire time they were there.

Naruto observed Izumi's anxious demeanor and hurried up next to her, "Relax, Izzy. I have your back." He comforted with a big thumbs up.

"Thank you, Naruto! "I have yours, too." Izumi beamed.

Naruto ran ahead, wielding a kunai knife. He flicked the knife to the right and crouched down with astonishing dexterity.

Izumi froze, her hand on her own ninja tool belt, but there was no response to Naruto's onslaught.

"Heh." Naruto sighed as he stood. "Just a mouse."

Sakura and Tazuna yelled at Naruto for his reckless usage of a kunai knife.

Sasuke stepped over to Izumi and raised an eyebrow.

"Give him a break. At least he is alert." Izumi reacted with a soft chuckle.

Izumi gazed intently at the so called mouse, her eyes fixating on it. The more she studied it, the more she realized it wasn't a mouse at all.

It was a bunny in fact, adorned in pure white fur.

It was unusual since the white-furred ones were only seen in the winter, when days are short and sunlight is sparse. She had no idea how it got outside, unless it had been raised as a pet indoors.

There was something strange about the situation. She approached her sensei and seized his sleeve.

She needed to alert him about the problem, even though she was certain he was aware of it. "Sensei?" She warned with a quiet voice, "The rabbit-"

"Look out!" Kakashi yelled and pushed her into safety, pushing her head to duck. A ninja appeared on the handle of a gigantic sword, whirling over them. "Well, well, if it isn't Zabuza Momochi, a rogue ninja from the village Hidden in the Mist."

Izumi's gaze narrowed as a tall, dark, and muscular guy landed and balanced on the sword.

"Hand over the bridge-builder." The stranger declared. "He must die."

Kakashi had been correct. Now that Team 7 had arrived in the Land of Waves, another assassin had arisen.

Izumi focused on the huge, scarred guy balancing on the sword. A mask hid the lower half of his face, but his scarred chest was visible--and quite striking, for that matter. The only other distinguishing aspect of the man is the dark hair protruding from his headband.

Naruto pulled up his sleeves and approached the tree where Zabuza was seated, eager to make amends for freezing up earlier.

Kakashi simply raised one hand, and Naruto hesitated, "Get back, you guys." Kakashi ordered.

"This man is on a completely different level. If he is to be our opponent, I will have to raise up my game," Kakashi gripped the corner of his headband and carefully lifted it.

Izumi's eyes widened when Kakashi unveiled his left eye, which was always covered by his headband. Although his eye stayed closed, Izumi spotted a big scar running from the top to the bottom.

Zabuza crouched calmly from his position in the tree. "Kakashi, the Copycat Ninja. I've read a lot about you in my bingo book. It said  you've copied over 1000 techniques with that Sharingan eye."

Izumi's ears perked up when she realized her theory about her sensei being a Sharingan user was correct. 'So that really is him...'

Nonetheless, Zabuza appeared impressed by Kakashi.

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