Episode 22: Long Time No See: Jiraiya Returns!

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"Hey, pervert, are you awake?" Naruto investigated Ebisu's unmoving body, squatting down and prodding him on his clothed bottom with his finger, attempting the iconic "1000 Years of Death" move.

The scheme failed badly, and Naruto moaned in disappointment. "Man, he is totally out of it. He's not a very good trainer, is he?" Naruto murmured to himself.

His gaze quickly turned to the white-haired man, who was now pointing accusingly. As Naruto addressed the man, wrath flared in his eyes. "All right, Frogman! What was that about?! Who do you think you are, anyway?

A cheeky smile grew across the man's face as he boldly introduced himself: "I'M GLAD YOU ASKED! I am the hermit of Mount Myoboku, the wise and immortal spirit! That is right, it is I, the Gallant Jiraiya, the Toad Sage!"

Naruto's uncertainty grew, and he rubbed his head in astonishment. "Toad Sage? Pervy Sage? What's with all these names?"

Jiraiya grinned and replied, "You can call me whatever you want..."

Naruto dismissed the suggestion and got right to the subject. "Alright, Pervy Sage, what are you going to do with this situation? This guy was supposed to be instructing me, but you knocked him out!"

Jiraiya shrugged lazily. "Well, he shouldn't have interfered with my research, then."

"Research?" Naruto inquired, his interest piqued.

Jiraiya's eyes glowed with eagerness. "Yes, I'm doing research for my novels! You see, I'm a well-known novelist who has written excellent works such as this one." He took out an orange-covered book that looked exactly like Kakashi Sensei's.

Naruto's eyes expanded in amazement. "Are you the one who wrote 'Make-Out Paradise'? That book Kakashi Sensei is always reading?!"

Jiraiya chuckled, mischievously. "Oh, so you've heard about it. That is one of my more... popular works."

Naruto's rage surged as he addressed the Toad Sage. "YOU CALL THAT PERVY Trash A NOVEL?! Research, right? More like a peep show where you can ogle chicks in the bathtub!"

Suddenly, a chorus of high-pitched screams rang out from the other side of the fence, revealing the Sage's actual intentions.

Jiraiya's face became bright red as his strategy was revealed. He was plainly surprised by the turn of events. "NOOOOOO! LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE! NOW I CAN'T FINISH MY RESEARCH!" he complained, his displeasure palpable.

Naruto crossed his arms and maintained a stern expression. "Dirty old man! You understand that invading people's privacy like that is wrong!"

Jiraiya scowled and pointed aggressively at the boy. "Dirty?! There is nothing dirty about it! I am a serious artist who is inspired by youth and beauty, and that is all."

"Yeah, yeah, who would believe that! Who cares anyway; what about my training?" Naruto let out a growl.

Jiraiya seemed quite interested in the boy's words. "Hm? Your training? Do you refer to the walking-on-water technique you were working on? It's actually a quite basic skill."

"Huh?! Wait, do you mean you can do it?," Naruto gasped. "Okay, then! It is completely up to you to teach it to me! You at least owe me that!"

Jiraiya huffed, "Hmph! Stop bothering me, kiddo. I'm busy."

"Argh! Come back here, you Pervy Sage! Where's your sense of responsibility?! You've got to train me, please!" the boy begged.

Jiraiya turned and pointed at the kid once more. "Not on your life! I can't work with some kid who doesn't respect a true artist!"

"Engh! What a weirdo!" Naruto muttered.

Naruto then pretended to admire the book, but Jiraiya was not deceived. After all, Jiraiya was the fabled Toad Sage and Gallant Sannin!

Jiraiya leaped back onto a neighboring ledge and gave another hand signal, causing the wind to whirl around him.

"Hey! Wait! "How about my training?" Naruto called out.

Without receiving a response, the man successfully created a gust of wind, giving himself enough time to flee. "So long, and good luck, kid! You're going to need it," he exclaimed before leaping away and disappearing over the buildings.

Instead of being frustrated as usual, Naruto was astounded by the mysterious Toad Sage's abilities. "WHOA! That was cool! He is really strong, pervert or not! Perhaps he should train me instead? Hmm..."

With that thinking, Naruto dashed after the man, devising a cunning scheme to cut a deal and make him reconsider.

After a period of Naruto looking for the Toad Sage and trying to meet the man's strange standards, they finally found some common ground. Jiraiya grew fond of the child, admiring his indomitable drive despite his occasional stupidity.

As Naruto charged his chakra, Jiraiya checked a seal on his exposed body. He noted that the original sealing jutsu had just been updated, adding a five-pronged seal on top. Jiraiya forced Naruto to extend his arms after recognizing a technique he had learnt.

Jiraiya used his fingertips and chakra to contact the five prongs and remove the recently created seal. He understood it was the work of Orochimaru, whom he knew a lot about.

"Alright, kid, now that you've mastered walking on water, I'm going to teach you an impressive trick!" Jiraiya promised Naruto.

Naruto's face quickly brightened, like the morning sun. "Wait, seriously?! You mean you're going to teach me something cool like that wind technique?!"

Jiraiya couldn't help but smile as he was struck by Naruto's infectious excitement once more. "Yes, I will, my dear boy! I promise you that by the end of my time with you, you will have mastered something very extraordinary!"

Those statements established a strong friendship that would last for the rest of Naruto's youth.

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